TLDR :我从dask包创建了一个dask数据帧。 dask数据帧将每个观察(事件)视为一列。因此,我没有为每个事件提供数据行,而是为每个事件都有一列。目标是将列转换为行,就像pandas可以使用df.T转置数据帧一样。
我有sample twitter data from my timeline here。为了达到我的起点,这里是从磁盘读取json到dask.bag
import dask.bag as db
import dask.dataframe as dd
import json
b = db.read_text('./sampleTwitter.json').map(json.loads)
df = b.to_dataframe()
原则,我希望每个事件都有行。 pandas
has a transpose method for dataframes和dask.array有一个数组的转置方法。我的目标是进行相同的转置操作,但是在dask数据帧上。我该怎么做?
此代码解决了原始转置问题,通过定义要保留的列并删除其余列来清除Twitter json文件,并通过将函数应用于Series来创建新列。然后,我们将一个较小的,已清理的文件写入磁盘。
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.delayed import delayed
import dask.bag as db
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar,Profiler, ResourceProfiler, CacheProfiler
import pandas as pd
import json
import glob
# pull in all files..
filenames = glob.glob('~/sampleTwitter*.json')
# df = ... # do work with dask.dataframe
dfs = [delayed(pd.read_json)(fn, 'records') for fn in filenames]
df = dd.from_delayed(dfs)
# see all the fields of the dataframe
fields = list(df.columns)
# identify the fields we want to keep
keepers = ['coordinates','id','user','created_at','lang']
# remove the fields i don't want from column list
for f in keepers:
if f in fields:
# drop the fields i don't want and only keep whats necessary
df = df.drop(fields,axis=1)
clean = df.coordinates.apply(lambda x: (x['coordinates'][0],x['coordinates'][1]), meta= ('coords',tuple))
df['coords'] = clean
# making new filenames from old filenames to save cleaned files
import re
newfilenames = []
for l in filenames:
# custom saver function for dataframes using newfilenames
def saver(frame,filename):
return frame.to_json('./'+filename)
# converting back to a delayed object
dfs = df.to_delayed()
writes = [(delayed((saver)(df, fn))) for df, fn in zip(dfs, newfilenames)]
# writing the cleaned, MUCH smaller objects back to disk
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这样的代码import glob
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.delayed import delayed
filenames = glob.glob('sampleTwitter*.json')
dfs = [delayed(pd.read_json)(fn, 'records') for fn in filenames]
ddf = dd.from_delayed(dfs)