在Windows 10上使用QT5.6编译程序时遇到错误

时间:2016-08-01 04:28:09

标签: c++ windows qt

想在Windows 10上使用QT5.6编译一个名为uartassistant的程序,我遇到了这个错误


g ++ -Wl,-subsystem,windows -mthreads -o debug \ uartassistant.exe   debug / main.o debug / dialog.o debug / hled.o debug / moc_dialog.o   debug / moc_hled.o -lmingw32 -LF:\ qt \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ lib   F:\ qt \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ lib \ libqtmaind.a -LC:\ utils \ postgresql \ pgsql \ lib   -LC:\ utils \ my_sql \ my_sql \ lib -lshell32 -LE:\ uartassistannew \ uartassistant \ build -lqextserialportd1 -LE:\ uartassistannew \ uartassistant \ analogwidgets -lanalogwidgets F:\ qt \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ lib \ libQt5Widgetsd.a   F:\ QT \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ LIB \ libQt5Quickd.a   F:\ QT \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ LIB \ libQt5Guid.a   F:\ QT \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ LIB \ libQt5Qmld.a   F:\ QT \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ LIB \ libQt5Networkd.a   F:\ QT \ 5.6 \ mingw49_32 \ LIB \ libQt5Cored.a   E:\ uartassistannew \ uartassistant \ analogwidgets / libanalogwidgets.a(manometer.o):manometer.cpp :(文字+ 0x44a):   对_imp___ZNK7QString3argEdiciRK5QChar' E:\uartassistannew\uartassistant\analogwidgets/libanalogwidgets.a(manometer.o):manometer.cpp:(.text+0x11f8): undefined reference to _ imp___ZNK7QString3argEdiciRK5QChar'的未定义引用   E:\ uartassistannew \ uartassistant \ analogwidgets / libanalogwidgets.a(manometer.o):manometer.cpp :(文字+ 0x1570):   对_imp___ZNK11QMetaObject2trEPKcS1_' E:\uartassistannew\uartassistant\analogwidgets/libanalogwidgets.a(manometer.o):manometer.cpp:(.text+0x178a): undefined reference to _ imp___ZNK11QMetaObject2trEPKcS1_'的未定义引用   F:/ QT /工具/ mingw492_32 / bin中/../ lib中/ GCC / i686的-W64-的mingw32 / 4.9.2 /../../../../的i686-W64-mingw32的/ bin中/ LD。可执行程序:   E:\ uartassistannew \ uartassistant \ analogwidgets / libanalogwidgets.a(manometer.o):   部分中的错误重定位地址0x24   `.text $ ZplRK7QStringS1 [__ ZplRK7QStringS1_]'collect2.exe:错误:ld   返回1退出状态Makefile.Debug:71:目标配方   'debug \ uartassistant.exe'失败了mingw32-make [1]: *   [debug \ uartassistant.exe]错误1 mingw32-make [1]:离开目录   'E:/ uartassistannew /集结uartassistant-Desktop_Qt_5_6_0_MinGW_32bit-调试'   makefile:34:目标'debug'的配方mingw32-make:* 失败   [debug]错误2构建/部署项目uartassistant时出错   (套件:Desktop Qt 5.6.0 MinGW 32bit)执行步骤“Make”时   12:14:13:经过的时间:00:18。

我使用QT在Windows 7上编译了相同的程序,没有发生错误。



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