sysuse auto, clear
local mpg "22 20 17"
local titles "Title1 Title2 Title3"
local path "twentytwo twenty seventeen"
foreach x of local mpg {
foreach y of local titles {
foreach z of local path {
keep if mpg==`x' & foreign==0
egen hv_rank=rank(price)
# delimit ;
graph bar price,
over (make, sort(hv_rank) reverse label(labsize(vsmall)))
horizontal title("`y'", size(medium))
# delimit cr
graph save "$dir_gphs\mpg`z'f0-bal.gph", replace
drop hv_rank
sysuse auto, clear
我不想为我的3个当地人的“价值”的每个可能组合创建一个条形图,而是我想拥有if x=22
然后{{1 }}。同样地z=twentytwo
然后if x=20
答案 0 :(得分:2)
. local mpg 22 20 17
. local titles `" "Title 1" "Title 2" "Title 3" "'
. local path twentytwo twenty seventeen
. forvalues i = 1/3 {
2. local x : word `i' of `mpg'
3. local y : word `i' of `titles'
4. local z : word `i' of `path'
5. display `" `x' --- `y' --- `z' "'
6. }
22 --- Title 1 --- twentytwo
20 --- Title 2 --- twenty
17 --- Title 3 --- seventeen
. local set1 22 "Title 1" twentytwo
. local set2 20 "Title 2" twenty
. local set3 17 "Title 3" seventeen
. forvalues i = 1/3 {
2. local x : word 1 of `set`i''
3. local y : word 2 of `set`i''
4. local z : word 3 of `set`i''
5. display `" `x' --- `y' --- `z' "'
6. }
22 --- Title 1 --- twentytwo
20 --- Title 2 --- twenty
17 --- Title 3 --- seventeen
答案 1 :(得分:1)
sysuse auto, clear
forval j = 1/3
local x : word `j' of 22 20 17
local title: word `j' of Title1 Title2 Title3
local path: word `j' of twentytwo twenty seventeen
graph bar price if mpg==`x' & foreign==0 ///
over(make, sort(1) reverse label(labsize(vsmall))) ///
ytitle("") horizontal title("`title'", size(medium))
graph save "$dir_gphs\mpg`path'f0-bal.gph", replace