
时间:2016-07-24 08:17:38

标签: matlab simscape


enter image description here


对于这样的设置,在针脚鳍T(x)的长度上的温度分布的解析解可以在文献中找到,例如, here(公式18.12):

enter image description here


enter image description here


  • h_conv = W /m²K
  • 的对流换热
  • h_cond =以W / mK为单位的传导传热
  • S =销的表面积(m2)
  • A =针脚的横截面积(mm)
  • T_amb =环境温度,单位为°C
  • T_base =鳍尖左端的温度,单位为°C
  • T_x =位置x处的针脚温度


bash /path/to/script #In this case the shebang #!/bin/sh shouldn't be present at the beginning.


我尝试根据示例Heat Conduction through Iron Rod构建该设置的Simscape模型。在解决了Simscape的问题之后,我对分析和Simscape解决方案进行了比较:

% Variables
r       = 0.01;             % Radius of the pin fin in m
l       = 0.2;              % Length of the pin fin in m
h_conv  = 500;              % Convective heat transfer in W/m²K
h_cond  = 500;              % Conductive heat transfer in W/mK
T_base  = 140;              % Temperature on the left end of the fin tip in °C
T_amb   = 40;               % Ambient temperature in °C    
n_elem  = 20;               % Number of division
x       = [0:l/n_elem:l]';  % Vector of division, necessary for evaluation

A       = r^2 * pi;         % Cross sectional area of the pin fin in m²
S       = 2 * pi * r * l;   % Surface area of the pin in m²

% Analytical solution
beta    = sqrt((h_conv*S)/(h_cond*A));
f       = cosh(beta*(l-x))/cosh(beta*l);

temp    = f*(T_base-T_amb)+T_amb;

% Plot of the temperature distribution
plot (x,temp);
axis([0 0.2 40 140]);


enter image description here


您可以下载模型here。 filehoster(www.xup.in)将模型名称从“PinFin.mdl”转换为“PINFIN.MDL”,因此您需要将文件扩展名修改回“.mdl”以便在Matlab中打开它

此致 菲尔

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

你正在使用正确的方法。由于beta参数的计算,结果不匹配。你有 beta = sqrt((h_conv S)/(h_cond A));

尺寸错误,您需要: beta = sqrt((h_conv P /(h_cond A));

其中P是周长,这里P = 2 * pi * r。

通过这些修正,您会发现两个输出(分析和模拟)匹配得很好,给定足够精细的离散化(我使用n_elem = 20)。