select concat(First_name,' ',Last_name) as Name,max(SALARY)
from Employee
group by Department;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
SELECT concat(First_name,' ',Last_name) as Name,SALARY FROM Employee WHERE salary IN (SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM Employee GROUP BY Department);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
# The purpose of this script is to do things with files generated by
# 'create-react-app' after 'build' is run.
# 1. Move files to a new directory called 'user'
# The resulting structure is 'build/user/static/<etc>'
# 2. Update reference on generated files from
# static/<etc>
# to
# user/static/<etc>
# More details on: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/3824
# Browse into './build/' directory
cd build
# Create './user/' directory
echo '1/4 Create "user" directory'
mkdir user
# Find all files, excluding (through 'grep'):
# - '.',
# - the newly created directory './user/'
# - all content for the directory'./static/'
# Move all matches to the directory './user/'
echo '2/4 Move relevant files'
find . | grep -Ev '^.$|^.\/user$|^.\/static\/.+' | xargs -I{} mv -v {} user
# Browse into './user/' directory
cd user
# Find all files within the folder (not subfolders)
# Replace string 'static/' with 'user/static/' on all files that match the 'find'
# ('sed' requires one to create backup files on OSX, so we do that)
echo '3/4 Replace file references'
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 | LC_ALL=C xargs -I{} sed -i.backup -e 's,static/,user/static/,g' {}
# Delete '*.backup' files created in the last process
echo '4/4 Clean up'
find . -name '*.backup' -type f -delete
# Done
SELECT first_name,department,salary FROM Employees WHERE salary IN (SELECT max(salary) From employees GROUP BY department)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
With myCTE (dept, maxsalary)
as (
Select dept, max(salary) over (partition by dept) from EmployeeTable)
Select concat(e.firstname, e.lastname), e. salary
from EmployeeTable e where e.Dept = myCTE.dept and e.Salary = myCTE.salary
答案 3 :(得分:0)
SELECT concat(e.First_name, ' ', e.Last_name) as Name, e.SALARY
FROM Employee e
WHERE salary = (SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM Employee e2 WHERE e2.Department = e.Department);
答案 4 :(得分:0)
SELECT t.name,t.dept_id,temp.max
FROM employee as t
JOIN (SELECT dept, MAX(salary) AS max
FROM employee
GROUP BY dept_id) as temp
on t.dept_id=temp.dept_id and t.salary=temp.max