
时间:2016-07-15 21:03:39

标签: r download shiny png ggvis

我有一个闪亮的应用程序,允许用户根据加载的数据框选择在x和y轴上绘制的内容。我试图让用户下载当前的情节视图。我正在谷歌Chrome中启动应用程序,因为我知道如果应用程序在R studio中启动,它无法保存文件。截至目前,它保存了一个png文件,但它是空白的。



Screenshot of app UI can be seen here

Downloading png from Shiny (R)

如果vis()更改为函数而不是被动,则该应用无效。但是,当filteredData()从被动变为函数时,应用仍然可以正常工作。但是,如果在downloadHandler(... vis() filteredData()print(filteredData())print(vis())范围内,则仍会产生空白png。如果使用#Check packages to use in library library('shiny') #allows for the shiny app to be used library('stringr') #string opperator library('ggvis') #allows for interactive ploting library('dplyr') alldata <- iris #establish options for drop down menus specieschoices <- unique(as.character(alldata$Species)) petalwchoices <- unique(as.character(alldata$Petal.Width)) petallchoices <- unique(as.character(alldata$Petal.Length)) sepallchoices <- unique(as.character(alldata$Sepal.Length)) sepalwchoices <- unique(as.character(alldata$Sepal.Width)) # UI ui<-fluidPage( titlePanel("Explorer"), fluidRow( column(4, wellPanel( h4("Apply Filters"), selectInput(inputId = "species", label="Select a Species:", choices = sort(specieschoices), selected="setosa", multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE), selectInput(inputId = "petalw", label="Select Petal Width:", choices = sort(petalwchoices), selected=petalwchoices, multiple = TRUE, selectize = FALSE), selectInput(inputId = "petall", label="Select Petal Length", choices = sort(petallchoices), selected=petallchoices, multiple = TRUE, selectize = FALSE), selectInput(inputId = "sepall", label="Select Sepal Length", choices = sort(sepallchoices), selected=sepallchoices, multiple = TRUE, selectize = FALSE), selectInput(inputId = "sepalw", label="Select Sepal Width", choices = sort(sepalwchoices), selected=sepalwchoices, multiple = TRUE, selectize = FALSE), downloadButton('downloadPlot', 'Download Plot') )), column(8, ggvisOutput("plot1") ), column(4, wellPanel( h4("Data Variables"), selectInput(inputId = "x", label="Select x-axis Variable:", choices=as.character(names(alldata[,1:4])),selected='Petal.Length', multiple = FALSE), selectInput(inputId = "y", label="Select y-axis Variable:", choices=as.character(names(alldata[,1:4])),selected='Petal.Width', multiple = FALSE) )) )) #SERVER server<-function(input,output,session) { #Set up reactive variables filteredData <- reactive({ # Apply filters m <- alldata %>% filter( `Species` %in% input$species, `Petal.Width` %in% input$petalw, `Petal.Length` %in% input$petall, `Sepal.Width` %in% input$sepalw, `Sepal.Length` %in% input$sepall ) m <- droplevels(as.data.frame(m)) m }) vis <- reactive({ xvar <- prop("x", as.symbol(input$x)) yvar <- prop("y", as.symbol(input$y)) p1 = filteredData() %>% ggvis(x = xvar, y = yvar) %>% layer_points(size.hover := 200, fillOpacity:= 0.5, fillOpacity.hover := 1, fill = ~Species ) }) #Actually plots the data vis %>% bind_shiny("plot1") ################# THIS IS THE PART THAT I NEED HELP WITH##################### output$downloadPlot <- downloadHandler( filename = paste0(input$y, '_vs_', input$x, "_", Sys.Date(), ".png"), content = function(file) { png(file) vis() dev.off() }, contentType = 'image/png' ) ############################################################################## } #Run the Shiny App to Display Webpage shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server) ,则会在浏览器中弹出另一个窗口,其中显示&#34; Key /已在使用&#34;。下面是复制问题的最小工作代码,非常感谢您提供的任何帮助。


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