反向代理SSO Kerberos NGINX

时间:2016-07-13 11:14:05

标签: nginx single-sign-on spnego

我已使用AD在SSO中正确配置了我的Web服务器。 因此,如果用户直接访问服务器apps.acme.local(运行良好。

现在我添加了前端NGINX(带有群集配置),配置非常简单,并在DNS中将apps.acme.local的IP更改为IP NGINX 这样apps.acme.local为192.168.10.3:

upstream apps { 
     server max_fails=1 fail_timeout=5s; 
     server backup;     

server { 
     listen       80; 
     server_name          apps.acme.local; 
     client_max_body_size         100m; 
     access_log          /var/log/nginx/apps_acme_local_access.log  main; 
     error_log           /var/log/nginx/apps_acme_local_error.log; 
     location / { 
             proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP  $remote_addr; 
             proxy_set_header         X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; 
             proxy_set_header         Host $host; 
             proxy_set_header                X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; 
             proxy_pass         http://apps; 

SPNEGO没有工作......错误401显示。 在我的网络服务器中apps.acme.local在正常配置中转到192.168.10.1我看到了:

SPNEGO> Starting SPNEGO Negotiate - a properly configured HTTP client should send an Authorization: Negotiate header containing SPNEGO token when repeating the request /apps/mainpage.html

SPNEGO> Security token format received is SPNEGO NegTokenInit

SPNEGO> SSPI security attributes received 0x20802, but requested 0x20014

SPNEGO> User dgrillo@acme.local authenticated by Kerberos service HTTP/apps.acme.local@acme.local


SPNEGO> Starting SPNEGO Negotiate - a properly configured HTTP client should send an Authorization: Negotiate header containing SPNEGO token when repeating the request /apps/mainpage.html

有什么想法吗? NGINX缺少什么?


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