
时间:2016-07-12 14:46:47

标签: linux amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 rhel rhel6

无法在ec2实例上安装ezproxy似乎有问题,因为它有公共和私有ip。 我用这个方法从url安装 https://www.oclc.org/support/services/ezproxy/documentation/download/install-linux.en.html 它在第4步和第5步失败了 错误

Checking ability to directly connect to iptest.ezproxy.com
Attempting to contact iptest.ezproxy.com by name
Connection established, sending my IP address ( for testing
Waiting for response on port 0
The test results follow:

If you are using multiple IP interfaces on your system, some of
the information provided by this test may be inaccurate.

You claim to be ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal at address
To me, you appear to be
Since those don't match, there may be a proxy server between us.

I am now attempting to connect to your server to check for intervening
firewalls.  If there is a firewall, this may take a little while.

Trying ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal
Connection to ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal failed, trying
Connection to failed, trying
Connection to failed

I am unable to connect to you.  There may be a firewall between us.

Your system claims that its host name is ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal
That name failed to work, which may indicate a problem or may
have occurred if you have multiple IP addresses on this server.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

