我一直在努力解决这个问题,没有解决方案。 我希望在一组中获得最低的运行平衡。 这是一个示例数据
运行余额是虚构的,不属于表格的一部分。 运行余额也是动态计算的。
问题是我希望在特定月份(1月)获得最低的运行余额 因此,对于memberid 10001,输出应为150,对于memberid 10002,输出应为175,如图中突出显示的那样。 我希望的出局应该是
memberid |平衡
10001 | 150
10002 | 175
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Mihir Shah提供的答案给了我如何解决我的问题的想法。 他的回答需要花费很多时间来处理,因为我的c#程序计算速度慢,因为他的代码在每条记录上循环。
with IniMonth1 as
select a.memberid, a.iniDeposit, a.iniWithdrawal,
(cast(a.iniDeposit as decimal(10,2)) - cast(a.iniWithdrawal as decimal(10,2))) as RunningTotal
select b.memberid, sum(b.depositamt) as iniDeposit, sum(b.withdrawalamt) as iniWithdrawal
from savings b
where trdate < '01/01/2016'
group by b.memberid
) a /*gets all the memberid, sum of deposit amount and withdrawal amt from the beginning of the savings before the specific month */
where cast(a.iniDeposit as decimal(10,2)) - cast(a.iniWithdrawal as decimal(10,2)) > 0 /*filters zero savings */
,DetailMonth1 as
select a.memberid, a.depositamt,a.withdrawalamt,
(cast(a.depositamt as decimal(10,2)) - cast(a.withdrawalamt as decimal(10,2))) as totalBal,
Row_Number() Over(Partition By a.memberid Order By a.trdate Asc) RowID
from savings a
a.trdate >= '01/01/2016'
a.trdate <= '01/31/2016'
and (a.depositamt<>0 or a.withdrawalamt<>0)
) /* gets all record within the specific month and gives a no of row as an id for the running value in the next procedure*/
,ComputedDetailMonth1 as
select a.memberid, min(a.runningbalance) as MinRunningBal
select a.rowid, a.memberid, a.totalbal,
sum(b.totalbal) +
when c.runningtotal is null then 0
else c.runningtotal
)as runningbalance , c.runningtotal as oldbalance
from DetailMonth1 a
inner join DetailMonth1 b
on b.rowid<=a.rowid
and a.memberid=b.memberid
left join IniMonth1 c
on a.memberid=c.memberid
group by a.rowid,a.memberid,a.totalbal,c.runningtotal
) a
group by a.memberid
) /* the loop is only for the records of the specific month only making it much faster */
/* this gets the running balance of specific month ONLY and ADD the sum total of IniMonth1 using join to get the running balance from the beginning of savings to the specific month */
/* I then get the minimum of the output using the min function*/
, OldBalanceWithNoNewSavingsMonth1 as
select a.memberid,a.RunningTotal
IniMonth1 a
left join
DetailMonth1 b
on a.memberid = b.memberid
where b.totalbal is null
)/*this gets all the savings that is not zero and has no transaction in the specific month making and this will become the default value as the lowest value if the member has no transaction in the specific month. */
,finalComputedMonth1 as
select a.memberid,a.runningTotal as MinRunTotal from OldBalanceWithNoNewSavingsMonth1 a
select b.memberid,b.MinRunningBal from ComputedDetailMonth1 b
)/*the record with minimum running total with clients that has a transaction in the specific month Unions with the members with no current transaction in the specific month*/
select * from finalComputedMonth1 order by memberid /* display the final output */
此代码只需2秒,最多只需9秒即可计算所有内容。 我只是向c#显示另外2秒。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Set Nocount On;
Declare @CashFlow Table
savingsid Varchar(50)
,memberid Int
,trdate Date
,deposit Decimal(18,2)
,withdrawal Decimal(18,2)
Insert Into @CashFlow(savingsid,memberid,trdate,deposit,withdrawal) Values
;With TrialBalance As
Select Row_Number() Over(Partition By cf.memberid Order By cf.trdate Asc) RowNum
From @CashFlow As cf
,RunningBalance As
Select tb.RowNum
From TrialBalance As tb
Where tb.RowNum = 1
Union All
Select tb.RowNum
,Cast((rb.deposit + tb.deposit - tb.withdrawal) As Decimal(18,2))
From TrialBalance As tb
Join RunningBalance As rb On tb.RowNum = (rb.Rownum + 1) And tb.memberid = rb.memberid
Select rb.memberid
,Min(rb.deposit) As runningBalance
From RunningBalance As rb
Where Year(rb.trdate) = 2015
And Month(rb.trdate) = 1
Group By rb.memberid