Wondering how to place combobox control as last sub item for each row with some data coming from datasource. Have this code below:
Dim rodzajID as String = TreeMaterials.SelectedValue
Dim rodzajName as string = TreeMaterials.SelectedNode.Text
Dim parent as string = TreeMaterials.SelectedNode.Parent.Text
Dim li as ListViewItem
li = LvSelMat.Items.Add(parent)
'Here want to add combobox...
so far i tried like this but its only showing up combobox without any other items in row...
Dim combo as new combobox
combo.DataSource = New Variation().GetAll
combo.DisplayMember = "Name"
combo.ValueMember = "Id"
combo.dropdownstyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
' combo.height = item.bounds.height
' combo.location = new point(item.bounds.right, item.bounds.y)