
时间:2016-07-04 18:56:00

标签: javascript node.js watch logfile



fs.watchFile('var/log/query.log', function() {
console.log('File Changed ...');
//how to get the new line which is now inserted?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在bash上你会用tail --follow做类似的事情。

还有一个包tail可用。 你可以在一个文件上观看,并通过一个事件得到新的一行:

const Tail = require('tail').Tail;
var tail = new Tail("var/log/query.log");
tail.on("line", data => {

答案 1 :(得分:1)


var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
  logFile: '~/Library/Preferences/Blizzard/Hearthstone/log.config',
  endOfLineChar: require('os').EOL
// Obtain the initial size of the log file before we begin watching it.
var fileSize = fs.statSync(options.logFile).size;
fs.watchFile(options.logFile, function (current, previous) {
  // Check if file modified time is less than last time.
  // If so, nothing changed so don't bother parsing.
  if (current.mtime <= previous.mtime) { return; }

  // We're only going to read the portion of the file that
  // we have not read so far. Obtain new file size.
  var newFileSize = fs.statSync(options.logFile).size;
  // Calculate size difference.
  var sizeDiff = newFileSize - fileSize;
  // If less than zero then Hearthstone truncated its log file
  // since we last read it in order to save space.
  // Set fileSize to zero and set the size difference to the current
  // size of the file.
  if (sizeDiff < 0) {
    fileSize = 0;
    sizeDiff = newFileSize;
  // Create a buffer to hold only the data we intend to read.
  var buffer = new Buffer(sizeDiff);
  // Obtain reference to the file's descriptor.
  var fileDescriptor = fs.openSync(options.logFile, 'r');
  // Synchronously read from the file starting from where we read
  // to last time and store data in our buffer.
  fs.readSync(fileDescriptor, buffer, 0, sizeDiff, fileSize);
  fs.closeSync(fileDescriptor); // close the file
  // Set old file size to the new size for next read.
  fileSize = newFileSize;

  // Parse the line(s) in the buffer.

function stop () {

function parseBuffer (buffer) {
  // Iterate over each line in the buffer.
  buffer.toString().split(options.endOfLineChar).forEach(function (line) {
    // Do stuff with the line :)


然后我们读取文件的新大小并计算与上次的差异。这告诉我们从文件中读取多少数据以仅获取新写入的数据。然后我们将数据存储在缓冲区中并将其解析为字符串。只需用换行符分割字符串即可。使用核心模块os来获取os.EOL将为您运行的操作系统提供正确的行结束字符(Windows行结束字符与linux / unix不同)。
