btnNext: ".nexts",
btnPrev: ".prev",
visible:(($(window).width() > 481) ? "3" : "2")
(function ($) { // Compliant with jquery.noConflict()
$.jCarouselLite = {
version: '1.1'
$.fn.jCarouselLite = function(options) {
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.jCarouselLite.options, options || {});
return this.each(function() { // Returns the element collection. Chainable.
var running,
animCss, sizeCss,
div = $(this), ul, initialLi, li,
liSize, ulSize, divSize,
numVisible, initialItemLength, itemLength, calculatedTo, autoTimeout;
initVariables(); // Set the above variables after initial calculations
initStyles(); // Set the appropriate styles for the carousel div, ul and li
initSizes(); // Set appropriate sizes for the carousel div, ul and li
attachEventHandlers(); // Attach event handlers for carousel to respond
function go(to) {
if(!running) {
clearTimeout(autoTimeout); // Prevents multiple clicks while auto-scrolling - edge case
calculatedTo = to;
if(options.beforeStart) { // Call the beforeStart() callback
options.beforeStart.call(this, visibleItems());
if(options.circular) { // If circular, and "to" is going OOB, adjust it
} else { // If non-circular and "to" is going OOB, adjust it.
} // If neither overrides "calculatedTo", we are not in edge cases.
animateToPosition({ // Animate carousel item to position based on calculated values.
start: function() {
running = true;
done: function() {
if(options.afterEnd) {
options.afterEnd.call(this, visibleItems());
if(options.auto) {
running = false;
if(!options.circular) { // Enabling / Disabling buttons is applicable in non-circular mode only.
return false;
function initVariables() {
running = false;
animCss = options.vertical ? "top" : "left";
sizeCss = options.vertical ? "height" : "width";
ul = div.find(">ul");
initialLi = ul.find(">li");
initialItemLength = initialLi.size();
// To avoid a scenario where number of items is just 1 and visible is 3 for example.
numVisible = initialItemLength < options.visible ? initialItemLength : options.visible;
if(options.circular) {
var $lastItemSet = initialLi.slice(initialItemLength-numVisible).clone();
var $firstItemSet = initialLi.slice(0,numVisible).clone();
ul.prepend($lastItemSet) // Prepend the lis with final items so that the user can click the back button to start with
.append($firstItemSet); // Append the lis with first items so that the user can click the next button even after reaching the end
options.start += numVisible; // Since we have a few artificial lis in the front, we will have to move the pointer to point to the real first item
li = $("li", ul);
itemLength = li.size();
calculatedTo = options.start;
function initStyles() {
div.css("visibility", "visible"); // If the div was set to hidden in CSS, make it visible now
overflow: "hidden",
"float": options.vertical ? "none" : "left" // Some minification tools fail if "" is not used
margin: "0",
padding: "0",
position: "relative",
"list-style": "none",
"z-index": "1"
overflow: "hidden",
position: "relative",
"z-index": "2",
// For a non-circular carousel, if the start is 0 and btnPrev is supplied, disable the prev button
if(!options.circular && options.btnPrev && options.start == 0) {
function initSizes() {
var width_1 = div.width();
liSize = options.vertical ? // Full li size(incl margin)-Used for animation and to set ulSize
li.outerHeight(true) :
ulSize = liSize * itemLength; // size of full ul(total length, not just for the visible items)
// Size of the entire UL. Including hidden and visible elements
// Will include LI's (width + padding + border + margin) * itemLength - Using outerwidth(true)
ul.css(sizeCss, ulSize+"px")
.css(animCss, -(calculatedTo * liSize));
// Width of the DIV. Only the width of the visible elements
// Will include LI's (width + padding + border + margin) * numVisible - Using outerwidth(true)
function attachEventHandlers() {
if(options.btnPrev) {
$(options.btnPrev).click(function() {
return go(calculatedTo - options.scroll);
if(options.btnNext) {
$(options.btnNext).click(function() {
return go(calculatedTo + options.scroll);
if(options.btnGo) {
$.each(options.btnGo, function(i, val) {
$(val).click(function() {
return go(options.circular ? numVisible + i : i);
if(options.mouseWheel && div.mousewheel) {
div.mousewheel(function(e, d) {
return d > 0 ?
go(calculatedTo - options.scroll) :
go(calculatedTo + options.scroll);
if(options.auto) {
function setupAutoScroll() {
autoTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
go(calculatedTo + options.scroll);
}, options.auto);
function visibleItems() {
return li.slice(calculatedTo).slice(0,numVisible);
function adjustOobForCircular(to) {
var newPosition;
// If first, then goto last
if(to <= options.start - numVisible - 1) {
newPosition = to + initialItemLength + options.scroll;
ul.css(animCss, -(newPosition * liSize) + "px");
calculatedTo = newPosition - options.scroll;
console.log("Before - Positioned at: " + newPosition + " and Moving to: " + calculatedTo);
// If last, then goto first
else if(to >= itemLength - numVisible + 1) {
newPosition = to - initialItemLength - options.scroll;
ul.css(animCss, -(newPosition * liSize) + "px");
calculatedTo = newPosition + options.scroll;
console.log("After - Positioned at: " + newPosition + " and Moving to: " + calculatedTo);
function adjustOobForNonCircular(to) {
// If user clicks "prev" and tries to go before the first element, reset it to first element.
if(to < 0) {
calculatedTo = 0;
// If "to" is greater than the max index that we can use to show another set of elements
// it means that we will have to reset "to" to a smallest possible index that can show it
else if(to > itemLength - numVisible) {
calculatedTo = itemLength - numVisible;
console.log("Item Length: " + itemLength + "; " +
"To: " + to + "; " +
"CalculatedTo: " + calculatedTo + "; " +
"Num Visible: " + numVisible);
function disableOrEnableButtons() {
$(options.btnPrev + "," + options.btnNext).removeClass("disabled");
$( (calculatedTo-options.scroll<0 && options.btnPrev)
(calculatedTo+options.scroll > itemLength-numVisible && options.btnNext)
function animateToPosition(animationOptions) {
running = true;
animCss == "left" ?
{ left: -(calculatedTo*liSize) } :
{ top: -(calculatedTo*liSize) },
duration: options.speed,
easing: options.easing
}, animationOptions)
$.fn.jCarouselLite.options = {
btnPrev: null, // CSS Selector for the previous button
btnNext: null, // CSS Selector for the next button
btnGo: null, // CSS Selector for the go button
mouseWheel: false, // Set "true" if you want the carousel scrolled using mouse wheel
auto: null, // Set to a numeric value (800) in millis. Time period between auto scrolls
speed: 200, // Set to a numeric value in millis. Speed of scroll
easing: null, // Set to easing (bounceout) to specify the animation easing
vertical: false, // Set to "true" to make the carousel scroll vertically
circular: true, // Set to "true" to make it an infinite carousel
visible: 3, // Set to a numeric value to specify the number of visible elements at a time
start: 0, // Set to a numeric value to specify which item to start from
scroll: 1, // Set to a numeric value to specify how many items to scroll for one scroll event
beforeStart: null, // Set to a function to receive a callback before every scroll start
afterEnd: null // Set to a function to receive a callback after every scroll end
答案 0 :(得分:0)
jquery库可能无法正常工作。确保你确实包含了javascript Jquery库。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
从官方文件中: https://github.com/kswedberg/jquery-carousel-lite#responsive-carousels
,您可能需要设置一些其他选项以获得所需的选项 效果:一切都是自动的(autoCSS默认为true,因此无需添加 它)
$('div.carousel').jCarouselLite({ // autoCSS: true, autoWidth: true, responsive: true });
一切手册(autoWidth默认为false,因此无需添加 它)
$('div.carousel').jCarouselLite({ autoCSS: false, // autoWidth: false, responsive: true });
自定义事件,// 当窗口停止调整大小时触发$('div.carousel').on('refreshCarousel', function() { // do something });