我正在尝试训练网络以进行基本图像识别。我尝试用 if (mystring.contains(context.getResources().getString(R.string.testString))) {
check = true;
if (mystring.equals(context.getResources().getString(R.string.testString))) {
check = true;
import os
import numpy as np
from pybrain.datasets import ClassificationDataSet
from pybrain.supervised import BackpropTrainer
from pybrain.tools.shortcuts import buildNetwork
from pybrain.tools.xml.networkwriter import NetworkWriter
#letter map
resdict = { '0':0, '1':1 ,'2':2,'3':3,'4':4,'5':5,'6':6,'7':7,'8':8,'9':9,'a':10, 'b':11, 'c':12, 'd':13, 'f':14, 'g':15, 'h':16, 'j':17, 'k':18, 'm':19, 'n':20, 'q':21, 'r':22, 's':23, 't':24, 'v':25, 'w':26, 'x':27,'y':28, 'z':29}
#coordinates of letters
train_ds = ClassificationDataSet(14*24,1)
#loop each box according to x position
for filename in os.listdir(FOLDER_LOCATION):
if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
index = 0
#preprocess the image
# im_grey Grayscale image
# box coordinates of each letter's bounding box
# ex : box = {0: (22, 15, 34, 39), 1: (7, 16, 19, 39), 2: (87, 16, 98, 38), 4: (54, 22, 67, 39), 7: (37, 23, 51, 38), 12: (71, 23, 82, 39)}
(im_grey,box) = preprocess(FOLDER_LOCATION + filename)
for boxId in sorted(box, key=lambda x: box[x][0]):
(minX,minY,maxX,maxY) = box[boxId]
if (maxY - minY) > 10:
#this is a blob that we care
region = im_grey.crop((box[boxId])).resize((14, 24))
label = resdict[filename[index]]
srcdata = np.ravel(np.array(region) / 255)
print filename,filename[index],label,srcdata
index = index + 1
net = buildNetwork(train_ds.indim, 98, train_ds.outdim, bias=True)
trainer = BackpropTrainer(net, train_ds)
print "start training"
print "finish training"
file = "newNetwork.xml"
NetworkWriter.writeToFile(net, file)
import os
import numpy as np
from pybrain.tools.xml.networkreader import NetworkReader
net = NetworkReader.readFrom('newNetWork.xml')
resdict = { '0':0, '1':1 ,'2':2,'3':3,'4':4,'5':5,'6':6,'7':7,'8':8,'9':9,'a':10, 'b':11, 'c':12, 'd':13, 'f':14, 'g':15, 'h':16, 'j':17, 'k':18, 'm':19, 'n':20, 'q':21, 'r':22, 's':23, 't':24, 'v':25, 'w':26, 'x':27,'y':28, 'z':29}
for filename in os.listdir(FOLDER_LOCATION):
if filename.endswith(".jpg"):
index = 0
#preprocess the image
# im_grey Grayscale image
# box coordinates of each letter's bounding box
# ex : box = {0: (22, 15, 34, 39), 1: (7, 16, 19, 39), 2: (87, 16, 98, 38), 4: (54, 22, 67, 39), 7: (37, 23, 51, 38), 12: (71, 23, 82, 39)}
(im_grey,box) = preprocess(FOLDER_LOCATION + filename)
for boxId in sorted(box, key=lambda x: box[x][0]):
(minX,minY,maxX,maxY) = box[boxId]
if (maxY - minY) > 10:
#this is a blob that we care
region = im_grey.crop((box[boxId])).resize((14, 24))
label = resdict[filename[index]]
srcdata = np.ravel(np.array(region) / 255)
out = net.activate(srcdata)
l = out.tolist()
max_v = max(l)
print "======START============"
max_i = l.index(max_v)
print filename,filename[index],label
print "Max", max_v
print "Guess:", max_i
print "RAW:", out
print "======END============"
index = index + 1