using (FeeService.FeeSvcClient svc = new FeeService.FeeClient())
response = svc.Retrieve(arg);
public void Retrieve(Dictionary<string, string> arg, out string docVariables)
if (null != _calc)
_calc = null;
docVariables = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_stateAbbreviation) == false)
string transType = "", vehClass = "", vehUse = "", dealType = "", purchaseStateCode = "";
arg.TryGetValue("StateCode", out purchaseStateCode);
arg.TryGetValue("trans", out transType);
arg.TryGetValue("Class", out vehClass);
arg.TryGetValue("Use", out vehUse);
arg.TryGetValue("deal", out dealType);
docVariables = Utility.GetDocument(_stateAbbreviation, transType, vehClass, vehUse, dealType, purchaseStateCode);
1. Checking off the optimized code in the build tab for project
2. Setting debug info mode to full in advance option of the build tab.
3. Turning off Visual Studio hosting process in the debug tab
4. Checking if the active solution configuration is in debug and not release.
5. Clean and rebuilt the solution.
6. Doesn't appear I can check if the module is optimized since this is a service reference.