
时间:2016-06-27 21:51:21

标签: python algorithm numpy geospatial sparse-matrix


  • 地球表面上的磁盘,定义为纬度+长原点和距离(米)
  • 纬度/经度网格,定义为纬度向量和经度向量

我需要构建一个稀疏矩阵,它对网格上的每个点都有一个虚拟单元格(因此,它的形状为(len(longitudes), len(latitudes)));对于磁盘外的所有网格点,它应为零,对于磁盘内的所有网格点,它应为常量非零值。网格很大 - 覆盖整个地球表面,从赤道-60到+85,赤道大约10公里。


import pyproj
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint
from shapely.ops import transform as sh_transform
WGS84_globe = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', ellps='WGS84')
from functools import partial

def Disk(x, y, radius):
    return Point(x, y).buffer(radius)

def disk_to_matrix(latitudes, longitudes, ref_lat, ref_lon, max_dist):
    # half of the equatorial circumference of the Earth, in meters
    # it is impossible for the target to be farther away than this
    max_dist = min(max_dist, 20037508)

    # To find all points on the Earth within a certain distance of
    # a reference latitude and longitude, back-project onto the
    # Earth from an azimuthal-equidistant map with its zero point
    # at the reference latitude and longitude.
    projection = pyproj.Proj(
        proj='aeqd', ellps='WGS84', lat_0=ref_lat, lon_0=ref_lon)
    to_globe = partial(
        partial(pyproj.transform, projection, WGS84_globe))

    # pyproj (and therefore shapely) does everything in lon/lat order.
    grid = MultiPoint(list(
        (lon, lat)
        for lon in longitudes
        for lat in latitudes

    outer_ring = to_globe(Disk(0, 0, max_dist))
    ringpoints = grid.intersection(outer_ring)

    # scipy.sparse juggling goes here

我在这一点上陷入困​​境,因为只是尝试创建MultiPoint实例使得解释器在我点击 ^ C 之前旋转了十五分钟。这需要超级,超快,因为它只是算法最里面循环的一个步骤,它将迭代这些磁盘的。我可以预先创建它,但这会让脚本花费超过十五分钟才能启动,我有这种可怕的感觉,交叉操作和矩阵结构也会慢得令人无法接受。建议?


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