
时间:2016-06-27 20:19:56

标签: javascript node.js promise bluebird

用例 - 获取一堆网址并缓存结果。快速完成的(比如说500毫秒)会被合并到这个传递中,任何花费的时间都会超过仍然完成并保存到缓存,所以下一轮(在我们的应用程序中大约10分钟后)它们都在缓存中。

我希望能够执行Promise.someWithTimeout(promises, timeout)之类的操作,其结果是在超时到期之前完成的已解析值数组。 (Promise.some()非常靠近它需要计数而不是超时)

Promise.someWithTimeout([promises], <timeout value>)
.then((results) => {


return memcache.getAsync(keyFromUrl(url))
.then((cacheRes) => {
  if(cacheRes) return cacheRes;
  //not in cache go get it
  return rp(url)
  .then((rpRes) => {
    //Save to cache but don't wait for it to complete
    memcache.setAsync(keyFromUrl(url), rpRes, 86400).catch((e) => { /*error logging*/ }) 
    return rpRes;




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


var timedOut = false;
// your regular code
Promise.all(...).then(function() {
    // cache the result, even if it came in after the timeout

    if (!timedOut) {
       // if we didn't time out, then show the response

Promise.delay(1000).then(function() {
    timedOut = true;
    // do whatever you want to do on the timeout


Promise.someWithTimeout = function(promiseArray, cnt, timeout) {
    var pSome = Promise.some(promiseArray, cnt).then(function(results) {
        return {status: "done", results: results};
    var pTimer = Promise.delay(cnt).then(function() {
        return {status: "timeout", promise: pSome}
    return Promise.race([pSome, pTimer]);

// sample usage
Promise.someWithTimeout(arrayOfPromises, 3, 1000).then(function(result) {
    if (result.status === "timeout") {
        // we timed out
        // the result of the data is still coming when result.promise is resolved if you still want access to it later
        result.promise.then(function(results) {
            // can still get access to the eventual results here 
            // even though there was a timeout before they arrived
    } else {
        // result.results is the array of results from Promise.some()