如何将soap xml响应转换为分隔符

时间:2016-06-25 20:03:05

标签: groovy soapui cdata

我对XML几乎一无所知。我已成功从asmx Web服务获得SOAP响应(使用SOAPUi和Boomerang之类的东西)。它是一个大文件。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




如评论中所述,您可以使用on-line site转换xml data into csv


  • 将数据保存到文件
  • 删除标题或不需要的数据等,或准备好在上述在线网站中使用。


  • 需要一些手动工作
  • 公开数据,但有时可能会分享
  • 拍摄时间
  • 不能以自动方式使用
  • 难以重复

方法#2:使用 Groovy脚本



  • 在您的测试用例中,在肥皂请求步骤后立即添加新的groovy script 测试步骤 ,该步骤为您提供数据并将脚本内容复制到其中。即,(测试用例 - >
  • 添加测试用例自定义属性,例如OUTPUT_FILE_NAME,并提供要保存的csv的文件路径。即使如果您不提供此属性,它也会自动将csv文件chargedata.csv保存在系统临时目录下。


* this script will read the previous step response
* extract the cdata at the given xpath
* read all the records and transfroms into csv file

import com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder
import groovy.xml.*

/**Define the output file name in test case custom property say OUTPUT_FILE_NAME and value as absolute file path
* otherwise, it write a file chargedata.csv in system temp directory
def outputFileName = context.testCase.getPropertyValue('OUTPUT_FILE_NAME') ?: System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")+ '/chargedata.csv'

//csv field separator - change it if needed
def delimiter = ','

* Below statement will fetch the previous request step response. 
def response = context.testCase.testStepList[context.currentStepIndex - 1].testRequest.response.responseContent

//Create the xml holder object to get the xpath value which cdata in this case
def responseHolder = new XmlHolder(response)
def xpath = '//*:Charges_FileResponse/*:Charges_FileResult'

//Get the cdata part from above xpath which is a string
def data = responseHolder.getNodeValue(xpath)

//This again parses the xml inside of cdata
def chargeRecords = new XmlParser().parseText(data)

//This is going hold all the data from ChargeRecords
def chargeRecordsDataStructure = []

//This is to hold all the headers
def headers = [] as Set

* This is to create Charge data
def buildChargeDataStructure = { charge ->
    def chargeDataStructure = new Expando()
    charge.children().each {
        def elementName = it.name()
        def elementText = it.value().join()
        chargeDataStructure[elementName] = elementText
        //Add to field name to the list if not already added
        (elementName in headers) ?: headers << elementName

* this is to create a csv row in string format
def createRow = { recordDataStructure ->
    def row = new StringBuffer()
    headers.each {
        if (row) {
            row += delimiter + recordDataStructure[it] ?: ''
        } else {
            row += recordDataStructure[it] ?: ''

//Build the whole data structure of Charge Records
chargeRecords.Charge.each { charge ->
    chargeRecordsDataStructure << buildChargeDataStructure( charge )

//Build the rows
def rows = new StringBuffer()
rows << headers.join(',') +'\n'
chargeRecordsDataStructure.each { rows << createRow (it)}

//Write the rows into file
new File(outputFileName).text = rows