我跟随Elliot Williams在Hack a Day上的4部分MQTT并最终理解在RasPi上获得MQTT,我已经设法获得2个LED以及温度和湿度来处理通过mqtt-spy客户端控制的代码更改。 现在我遇到的问题是HTML和Javascript尝试调整它以控制2个或更多LED /继电器,并希望得到任何和所有帮助。
Eclipse Paho MQTT-JS Utility
by Elliot Williams for Hackaday article,
// Global variables
var client = null;
var led_is_on = null;
var rly_is_on = null;
// These are configs
var hostname = ""; // This is my Brokers IP
var port = "9001";
var clientId = "mqtt_js_" + parseInt(Math.random() * 100000, 10);
var temp_topic = "home/outdoors/temperature";
var humidity_topic = "home/outdoors/humidity";
var status_topic = "home/outdoors/status";
var relay_topic = "home/outdoors/relay";
// This is called after the webpage is completely loaded
// It is the main entry point into the JS code
function connect(){
// Set up the client
client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(hostname, Number(port), clientId);
console.info('Connecting to Server: Hostname: ', hostname,
'. Port: ', port, '. Client ID: ', clientId);
// set callback handlers
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
// see client class docs for all the options
var options = {
onSuccess: onConnect, // after connected, subscribes
onFailure: onFail // useful for logging / debugging
// connect the client
function onConnect(context) {
console.log("Client Connected");
// And subscribe to our topics -- both with the same callback function
options = {qos:0, onSuccess:function(context){ console.log("subscribed"); } }
client.subscribe(temp_topic, options);
client.subscribe(humidity_topic, options);
client.subscribe(status_topic, options);
client.subscribe(relay_topic, options);
function onFail(context) {
console.log("Failed to connect");
function onConnectionLost(responseObject) {
if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) {
console.log("Connection Lost: " + responseObject.errorMessage);
window.alert("Someone else took my websocket!\nRefresh to take it back.");
// Here are the two main actions that drive the webpage:
// handling incoming messages and the toggle button.
// Updates the webpage elements with new data, and
// tracks the display LED status as well,
// in case multiple clients are toggling it.
function onMessageArrived(message) {
console.log(message.destinationName, message.payloadString);
// Update element depending on which topic's data came in
if (message.destinationName == temp_topic){
var temperature_heading = document.getElementById("temp_display");
temperature_heading.innerHTML = "Temperature: " + message.payloadString + " °C";
else (message.destinationName == humidity_topic) {
var humidity_heading = document.getElementById("humidity_display");
humidity_heading.innerHTML = "Humidity: " + message.payloadString + "%";
else (message.destinationName == status_topic) {
var status_heading = document.getElementById("led_status");
status_heading.innerHTML = "LED Status: " + message.payloadString;
// Accomodates one or two byte "on" commands. Anything else is off.
if (message.payloadString == "on" || message.payloadString == "o"){
led_is_on = true;
else {
led_is_on = false;
else (message.destinationName == status_topic) {
var status_heading = document.getElementById("rly_status");
status_heading.innerHTML = "Relay Status: " + message.payloadString;
// Accomodates one or two byte "on" commands. Anything else is off.
if (message.payloadString == "on" || message.payloadString == "o"){
rly_is_on = true;
else {
rly_is_on = false;
// Provides the button logic that toggles our display LED on and off
// Triggered by pressing the HTML button "status_button"
function led_toggle(){
if (led_is_on){
var payload = "off";
led_is_on = false;
} else {
var payload = "on";
led_is_on = true;
function rly_toggle(){
if (rly_is_on){
var payload = "off";
rly_is_on = false;
} else {
var payload = "on";
rly_is_on = true;
// Send messgae
message = new Paho.MQTT.Message(payload);
message.destinationName = status_topic;
message.retained = true;
console.info('sending: ', payload);

<h2 align=center>Welcome To The Shortest JavaScript MQTT Demo Ever!</h2>
<h3 id="temp_display">Waiting for temperature update...</h3>
<h3 id="humidity_display">Waiting for humidity update...</h3>
<h3 id="led_status">Waiting for LED status update...</h3>
<h3 id="rly_status">Waiting for Relay status update...</h3>
<button id="status_button" type="button" onclick="led_toggle();">Click Me to Toggle LED Display!</button>
<button id="rly_button" type="button" onclick="relay_toggle();">Click Me to Toggle RELAY Display!</button>
<!-- Source Paho MQTT Client-->
<script src="lib/mqttws31.js"></script>
<!-- Our Code Goes Here -->
<script src="bbutton_test.js"></script>
<!-- Start it up! -->