我已经被困了好几个小时但是无法检索会话属性。换句话说,在spring mvc中从控制器到视图的请求之间没有维持会话。我的控制器代码如下: -
public ModelAndView search(HttpSession session2) {
Session session=new Configuration().configure("hibernate.cfg.xml").buildSessionFactory().openSession();
String hql = "SELECT E.firstName FROM User E";
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
List results = query.list();
HashMap model = new HashMap();
model.put("users", results);
return new ModelAndView("search", model);
我正在检索会话属性的代码如下: -
<div id="user"></div>
Welcome <% request.getSession().getAttribute("name"); %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c"
uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %>
<select id="userlist" onchange="a()">
<option>Select User</option>
<c:forEach items="${users}" var="user">
function a()
document.write('<form method="post" id="chat" action="/abhishekchat/hello" > <input type="text" name="chatbox" id="chatbox"/>' +'Enter the name of the person you want to chat with'
+'<input type="text" name="name" id="name" />'+
'<input type="submit" value="Submit" />' +
请提前帮助..提前.. :)