这是.Net Native编译和优化中可能存在的错误吗?

时间:2016-06-19 14:15:57

标签: c# struct uwp compiler-optimization .net-native

我在.Net Nativestructs中发现了(可能是)过度优化的问题。我不确定编译器是否过于激进,或者我太盲目无法看到我做错了什么。


第1步:在 Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 中创建一个新的Blank Universal(win10)应用,定位版本10586,最小版本为10240.调用项目 NativeBug 所以我们有相同的命名空间。


<Page x:Class="NativeBug.MainPage"

    <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
        <!-- INSERT THIS LABEL -->
        <TextBlock x:Name="_Label" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NativeBug
    public sealed partial class MainPage
        public MainPage()

            var startPoint = new Point2D(50, 50);
            var points = new[]
                new Point2D(100, 100), 
                new Point2D(100, 50), 
                new Point2D(50, 100), 

            var bounds = ComputeBounds(startPoint, points, 15);

            _Label.Text = $"{bounds.MinX} , {bounds.MinY}   =>   {bounds.MaxX} , {bounds.MaxY}";

        private static Rectangle2D ComputeBounds(Point2D startPoint, IEnumerable<Point2D> points, double strokeThickness = 0)
            var lastPoint = startPoint;
            var cumulativeBounds = new Rectangle2D();

            foreach (var point in points)
                var bounds = ComputeBounds(lastPoint, point, strokeThickness);
                cumulativeBounds = cumulativeBounds.Union(bounds);
                lastPoint = point;

            return cumulativeBounds;

        private static Rectangle2D ComputeBounds(Point2D fromPoint, Point2D toPoint, double strokeThickness)
            var bounds = new Rectangle2D(fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y, toPoint.X, toPoint.Y);

            // ** Uncomment the line below to see the difference **
            //return strokeThickness <= 0 ? bounds : bounds.Inflate2(strokeThickness);

            return strokeThickness <= 0 ? bounds : bounds.Inflate1(strokeThickness);

    public struct Point2D
        public readonly double X;
        public readonly double Y;

        public Point2D(double x, double y)
            X = x;
            Y = y;

    public struct Rectangle2D
        public readonly double MinX;
        public readonly double MinY;
        public readonly double MaxX;
        public readonly double MaxY;

        private bool IsEmpty => MinX == 0 && MinY == 0 && MaxX == 0 && MaxY == 0;

        public Rectangle2D(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
            MinX = Math.Min(x1, x2);
            MinY = Math.Min(y1, y2);
            MaxX = Math.Max(x1, x2);
            MaxY = Math.Max(y1, y2);

        public Rectangle2D Union(Rectangle2D rectangle)
            if (IsEmpty)
                return rectangle;

            var newMinX = Math.Min(MinX, rectangle.MinX);
            var newMinY = Math.Min(MinY, rectangle.MinY);
            var newMaxX = Math.Max(MaxX, rectangle.MaxX);
            var newMaxY = Math.Max(MaxY, rectangle.MaxY);

            return new Rectangle2D(newMinX, newMinY, newMaxX, newMaxY);

        public Rectangle2D Inflate1(double value)
            var halfValue = value * .5;

            return new Rectangle2D(MinX - halfValue, MinY - halfValue, MaxX + halfValue, MaxY + halfValue);

        public Rectangle2D Inflate2(double value)
            var halfValue = value * .5;
            var x1 = MinX - halfValue;
            var y1 = MinY - halfValue;
            var x2 = MaxX + halfValue;
            var y2 = MaxY + halfValue;

            return new Rectangle2D(x1, y1, x2, y2);

第4步:在Debug x64中运行该应用程序。你应该看到这个标签:


42.5,42.5 =&gt; 107.5,107.5

第5步:在Release x64中运行该应用程序。你应该看到这个标签:


-7.5,-7.5 =&gt; 7.5,7.5

第6步:在line 45中取消注释MainPage.xaml.cs并重复步骤5.现在您看到了原始标签


42.5,42.5 =&gt; 107.5,107.5

通过注释line 45,代码将使用与Rectangle2D.Inflate2(...)完全相同的Rectangle2D.Inflate1(...),除非它在将计算发送到{{{}的构造函数之前创建计算的本地副本。 1}}。在调试模式下,这两个功能完全相同。然而,在发布中,有些东西正在逐步优化。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我不清楚为什么这个问题有赏金。是的,这是@Matt告诉你的一个错误。他知道,他在.NET Native上工作。他记录了临时解决方法,使用一个属性来防止该方法被优化器内联。一个经常用于绕过优化器错误的技巧。

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    public Rectangle2D Inflate1(double value)
        // etc...
