
时间:2016-06-18 13:36:56

标签: excel vba excel-vba









  • 我尝试过Redim但是被例子的长度所淹没。
  • 我尝试过手动复制和粘贴,但觉得这是作弊......
  • 我研究过如何通过复制过程删除元素..






Option Explicit
Public funds(0 To 170) As Variant

Sub cumulativeperformance()

    Dim selectedrange As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim value1 As Double
    Dim Value2 As Long
    Dim i, x, d, c As Integer
    Dim total(0 To 170) As Double

    'Copy the table to report
    Sheets("Report").Range("A39").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

    'Repeat 9 times
    c = 39
    For d = 0 To 9

        c = c + 1
        Set selectedrange = Worksheets("Report").Range(Cells(c, 3), Cells(c, 19))
        For Each cell In selectedrange

            value1 = cell.Value

            'get the value of cell to the left of current cell
            Value2 = cell.Offset(0, -1).Value

            'get the difference to previous month
            value1 = value1 / Value2 - 1

            'assign result + 1 to array
            total(x) = value1 + 1

            'If initial fund slot is 0, then store first result of calculation in that slot
            If i = 0 Then
                funds(i) = total(0) - 1
            ElseIf i > 0 Then
                'Do calculation on remaining values and store in fund array
                funds(i) = (funds(i - 1) + 1) * total(i) - 1
            End If

            'MsgBox "cumulative performance: " & funds(I) & " Cell address: " & cell.Address
            i = i + 1
            x = x + 1


        'Write from one dimensional Array To The worksheet
        Dim Destination As Range
        Dim j As Integer

        Set Destination = Range(Cells(c, 3), Cells(c, 3)) 'starts at
        Set Destination = Destination.Resize(1, 17) 'UBound(funds))
        Destination.Value = funds

        'MsgBox "Hi there"

    Next d

    'one-off commands in here
    Range("C40:S49").NumberFormat = "0.00%"
    Call portfoliomay

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

目标范围和源数组应具有相同的尺寸,以便能够正确分配值,如Ron Rosenfeld所评论。这可以通过使用一维数组一次仅重复一次行array(columns) 10次,或者完整目标范围(10x17)array(rows, columns)的二维数组来实现。


使用包含17个值的1维数组,逐行操作,一次一行。最初将数组声明为动态数组Dim funds() ...,这样您就可以轻松地重置它。然后在每个ReDim funds(16) ...迭代的开头设置其基于零的长度For d = 0 To 9。其余的代码将保持不变。使用此方法,您的原始目标分配应按预期Destination.Value = funds(或使用等效的较短语句Cells(c, 3).Resize(1, 17) = funds)工作。


您可以将资金声明为基于零的二维数组Dim funds(9, 16) ...。但是,没有直接的方法将数据逐行放入。 在您的计算循环结束后 Cells(40, 3).Resize(10, 17) = funds ,目的地分配将是整个范围。您还需要调整funds指令以指示行funds(d, i) = ...。这可能是放入工作表中数据的最有效方式(性能明智),因为将数据放入单元格相对耗时。

*要使用二维数组逐行执行此操作,您必须使用类似于此处所述的解决方法return an entire row of a multidimensional array in VBA to a one dimensional array


您需要调整total数组以使其与funds具有相同的维度和指令,或者调整ix计算。要调整ix并保留total,请在i = 0次迭代开始时添加For d,并仅使用total(x)

答案 1 :(得分:1)




  1. Variant变量为数组



    funds = repRng.Value


  2. 减少变量


  3. 适当地
  4. Dim

    Dim i, x, d, c As Integer



    Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, d As Integer, c As Integer


  5. 减少代码


    value1 = value1 / Value2 - 1


    total(x) = value1 + 1


    total(x) = value1 / Value2


    total = value1 / Value2
  6. 复制/粘贴


    Sheets("Report").Range("A39").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


    Sheets("Report").Range("A39").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


    With Worksheets("Data").Range("B3:T13")
        Sheets("Report").Range("A39").Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
    End With

    这种方法既减少了时间(对于这么小的范围也不是问题)并且不使用剪贴板(至少你需要注意释放Application.CutCopyMode = False

    对于上述内容,此语句也将用于初始化repRng Range变量

    With Worksheets("Data").Range("B3:T13")
        Set repRng = Sheets("Report").Range("A39").Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count) '<--| define the range where to paste data
        repRng.Value = .Value '<--|  paste data
    End With
  7. 减少变量(第2部分)

    您的d变量仅用于迭代之前复制和粘贴的行,但您使用的是其跨度的硬编码值,然后使其相对于另一个硬编码的引用行索引({{ 1}})


    c = 39

    其中Dim oneRow As Range For Each oneRow In repRng.Rows '<--| loop through rows of your relevant data range For Each cell In oneRow.Cells '<--| loop through cells of the current data range row 'code Next cell Next row 是一个repRng对象,引用了您要循环的工作表“报告”的相关单元格

  8. 最终结果将是以下代码:


    进一步优化将避免Option Explicit Public funds As Variant '<--| declare the simple Variant variable that will be "turned" into an array as long as we'll initialize it to a "Range" values Sub cumulativeperformance() Dim cell As Range, repRng As Range, oneRow As Range Dim value1 As Double, total As Double Dim value2 As Long Dim iRow As Long, jCol As Long '<--| better use "Long" instead of "Integer" when dealing with numbers that cope with Excel rows indexs 'Copy table values to report With Worksheets("Data").Range("B3:T13") Set repRng = Sheets("Report").Range("A39").Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count) '<--| define the range where to paste data repRng.Value = .Value '<--| paste data End With With repRng Set repRng = .Offset(1, 2).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count - 2) '<--| redefine the relevant data range to loop through End With With repRng '<--| assume your relevant data range as reference funds = .Value '<--| have funds array properly dimensioned by filling it with relevant data pasted values: they'll be rewritten in following loops For Each oneRow In .Rows '<--| loop through rows of your relevant data range iRow = iRow + 1 '<--| update array row counter jCol = 1 '<--|for each new row restart array column counter For Each cell In oneRow.Cells '<--| loop through cells of the current data range row value1 = cell.Value '<--|get the value of current cell value2 = cell.Offset(0, -1).Value '<--|get the value of cell to the left of current cell total = value1 / value2 '<--|evaluate the ratio If jCol = 1 Then funds(iRow, jCol) = total - 1 '<--| If initial fund slot is 1, then store first result of calculation in that slot Else funds(iRow, jCol) = (funds(iRow, jCol - 1) + 1) * total - 1 '<--| Do calculation on remaining values and store in fundS array End If jCol = jCol + 1 'update array column counter Next cell Next oneRow .Value = funds '<--| fill your relevant data range with funds values .NumberFormat = "0.00%" End With ' Call portfoliomay End Sub 检查每一行,因为它没有达到某种未知条件:我们确定每个新行都将以列索引1开始


    1. 在其初始栏目中采取行动:

      If jCol = 1 Then

      依赖于特定的funds(iRow, 1) = GetTotal(oneRow.Cells(1, 1)) - 1 'evaluate funds current row first slot (column) 功能


      我们收集了代码以计算Function GetTotal(cell As Range) As Double Dim value1 As Double Dim value2 As Long value1 = cell.Value '<--|get the value of current cell value2 = cell.Offset(0, -1).Value '<--|get the value of cell to the left of current cell GetTotal = value1 / value2 '<--|evaluate the ratio End Function 值“附加”到单个total

    2. 为后续列进行计算


      利用相同的 jCol = 2 '<--|for each new row restart array column counter For Each cell In Range(oneRow.Cells(1, 2), oneRow.Cells(1, oneRow.Cells.Count)) '<--| evaluate funds current row remaining slots funds(iRow, jCol) = (funds(iRow, jCol - 1) + 1) * GetTotal(cell) - 1 jCol = jCol + 1 'update array column counter Next cell 功能

    3. 最后更新的代码是:



      一个。 Option Explicit Public funds As Variant '<--| declare the simple Variant variable that will be "turned" into an array as long as we'll initialize it to a "Range" values Sub cumulativeperformance() Dim cell As Range, repRng As Range, oneRow As Range Dim iRow As Long, jCol As Long '<--| better use "Long" instead of "Integer" when dealing with numbers that cope with Excel rows indexs 'Copy table values to report With Worksheets("Data").Range("B3:T13") Set repRng = Sheets("Report").Range("A39").Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count) '<--| define the range where to paste data repRng.Value = .Value '<--| paste data End With With repRng Set repRng = .Offset(1, 2).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, .Columns.Count - 2) '<--| redefine the relevant data range to loop through End With With repRng '<--| assume your relevant data range as reference funds = .Value '<--| have funds array properly dimensioned by filling it with relevant data pasted values: they'll be rewritten in following loops For Each oneRow In .Rows '<--| loop through rows of your relevant data range iRow = iRow + 1 '<--| update array row counter funds(iRow, 1) = GetTotal(oneRow.Cells(1, 1)) - 1 'evaluate funds current row first slot (column) jCol = 2 '<--|for each new row restart array column counter For Each cell In Range(oneRow.Cells(1, 2), oneRow.Cells(1, oneRow.Cells.Count)) '<--| evaluate funds current row remaining slots funds(iRow, jCol) = (funds(iRow, jCol - 1) + 1) * GetTotal(cell) - 1 jCol = jCol + 1 'update array column counter Next cell Next oneRow .Value = funds '<--| fill your relevant data range with funds values .NumberFormat = "0.00%" End With ' Call portfoliomay End Sub Function GetTotal(cell As Range) As Double Dim value1 As Double Dim value2 As Long value1 = cell.Value '<--|get the value of current cell value2 = cell.Offset(0, -1).Value '<--|get the value of cell to the left of current cell GetTotal = value1 / value2 '<--|evaluate the ratio End Function 变量






      Option Explicit
      Sub cumulativeperformance()
          Dim funds As Variant '<--| declare the simple Variant variable that will be "turned" into an array as long as we'll initialize it to a "Range" values
          Dim cell As Range, repRng As Range, oneRow As Range