My company has a couple of joblets that we put in new jobs to do things like initialization of variables, get system information from the database and sending out error / warning emails. The issue we are running into is that if we go ahead and start creating the components of a job and realize that we forgot to include these 3 joblets, we have to basically re-create the job to ensure that the joblets are added first so they run first.
Is there any way to force these joblets to run first and possibly also in a certain order before moving on to the contents of the job being created? Please let me know if there is any information you may need that I'm missing as I have only been using Talend for a few days. The rest of the team has not been using it too much longer than I have, so they do not have the answer I'm looking for either. Thanks in advance!
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作为on subjob OK
但你无法从tPreJob获得一个on subjob OK触发器。我正在考虑从tPreJob
(在组件OK上)然后从tWarn到joblet(在subjob OK上)触发。