我们发现Facebook Graph API v2.6 中没有“ user_activities ”权限。尝试使用Facebook Graph API查询用户配置文件时找出它的实际影响。
有关,地址,生物,AGE_RANGE,盖,生日,货币,教育,电子邮件,链接,姓氏,位置,区域,ID,姓名,middle_name,name_format,FIRST_NAME,性别,时区,工作,设备,favorite_athletes,favorite_teams ,家乡,inspirational_people,语言文字,meeting_for,政治,报价,relationship_status,宗教,security_settings中,third_party_id,updated_time,核实,significant_other,网站,interested_in,图片
权限“user_activities”对我们使用Facebook Graph API从Facebook检索到的用户数据产生了什么影响。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
边缘和权限 - /v2.3/{user_id}/interests和/v2.3/{user_id}/activities edge以及user_interests和user_activities权限在v2.3中已弃用。
活动示例:正在运行,正在攀爬,...只需在API资源管理器和v2.2中选择API Explorer应用程序即可对其进行测试:/*
* call-seq:
* mod.const_get(sym, inherit=true) -> obj
* mod.const_get(str, inherit=true) -> obj
* Checks for a constant with the given name in <i>mod</i>.
* If +inherit+ is set, the lookup will also search
* the ancestors (and +Object+ if <i>mod</i> is a +Module+).
* The value of the constant is returned if a definition is found,
* otherwise a +NameError+ is raised.
* Math.const_get(:PI) #=> 3.14159265358979
* This method will recursively look up constant names if a namespaced
* class name is provided. For example:
* module Foo; class Bar; end end
* Object.const_get 'Foo::Bar'
* The +inherit+ flag is respected on each lookup. For example:
* module Foo
* class Bar
* VAL = 10
* end
* class Baz < Bar; end
* end
* Object.const_get 'Foo::Baz::VAL' # => 10
* Object.const_get 'Foo::Baz::VAL', false # => NameError
* If the argument is not a valid constant name a +NameError+ will be
* raised with a warning "wrong constant name".
* Object.const_get 'foobar' #=> NameError: wrong constant name foobar