
时间:2016-06-11 12:05:22

标签: r sorting date


  id type1 startdate1   enddate1 type2 startdate2   enddate2 type3 startdate3
1  1     A 2006-08-20 2006-12-06     W 2006-08-01 2007-08-29     P 2007-08-18
2  2     A 2006-01-05 2007-07-02    NA         NA         NA     Q 2008-01-15

1 2007-09-27
2 2008-02-07


  id type1 startdate1   enddate1 type2 startdate2   enddate2 type3 startdate3
1  1     W 2006-08-01 2007-08-29     A 2006-08-20 2006-12-06     P 2007-08-18
2  2     A 2006-01-05 2007-07-02     Q 2008-01-15 2008-02-07    NA         NA 

1 2007-09-27
2 NA             







3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

与Mikko Marttila相同,但没有使用非标准库:

> ## use vectors of class Date
> df[c(3,4,6,7,9,10)] <- lapply(df[c(3,4,6,7,9,10)], as.Date)

> ## reshape to long format
> df.1 <- reshape(df, idvar=1,
+                 varying=list(c(2,5,8), c(3,6,9), c(4,7,10)),
+                 v.names=c('type', 'startdate', 'enddate'),
+                 times=c(1,2,3), timevar='group', direction='long')
> df.1
#     id group type  startdate    enddate
# 1.1  1     1    A 2006-08-20 2006-12-06
# 2.1  2     1    A 2006-01-05 2007-07-02
# 1.2  1     2    W 2006-08-01 2007-08-29
# 2.2  2     2 <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
# 1.3  1     3    P 2007-08-18 2007-09-27
# 2.3  2     3    Q 2008-01-15 2008-02-07

> ## reset group variable according to startdate
> df.1$group <- with(df.1, unsplit(lapply(split(startdate, id), order), id))
> df.1
#     id group type  startdate    enddate
# 1.1  1     2    A 2006-08-20 2006-12-06
# 2.1  2     1    A 2006-01-05 2007-07-02
# 1.2  1     1    W 2006-08-01 2007-08-29
# 2.2  2     3 <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
# 1.3  1     3    P 2007-08-18 2007-09-27
# 2.3  2     2    Q 2008-01-15 2008-02-07

> ## back to wide format
> df.2 <- reshape(df.1[order(df.1$group), ], idvar=1,
+                 v.names=c('type', 'startdate', 'enddate'), timevar='group',
+                 direction='wide')

> ## sort by id
> df.2 <- df.2[order(df.2$id), ]

> df.2
#     id type.1 startdate.1  enddate.1 type.2 startdate.2  enddate.2 type.3
# 1.2  1      W  2006-08-01 2007-08-29      A  2006-08-20 2006-12-06      P
# 2.1  2      A  2006-01-05 2007-07-02      Q  2008-01-15 2008-02-07   <NA>
#     startdate.3  enddate.3
# 1.2  2007-08-18 2007-09-27
# 2.1        <NA>       <NA>

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我们可以使用rbind.fill包中的plyr。现在,该功能足够智能,可以根据列名进行组合 - 我们不希望这样。为了向前推进每行的观察,我们删除NA,然后将原始数据帧的名称应用于新的向量。


df <- data.frame("obs" = seq(3),
                 type1 = c(2,2,NA),date1 = c("date11","date21",NA), 
                 type2 = c(3,NA,5),date2 = c("date12",NA,"date31"),
                 type3 = c(4,3,1), date3 = c("date13","date22","date32"),
                 type4 = c(4,4,NA),date4 = c("date14","date23",NA))
#    obs type1  date1 type2  date2 type3  date3 type4  date4
#    1   1     2 date11     3 date12     4 date13     4 date14
#    2   2     2 date21    NA   <NA>     3 date22     4 date23
#    3   3    NA   <NA>     5 date31     1 date32    NA   <NA>

newdf <- sapply(1:nrow(df), function(i){
    newrow <- (df[i,!is.na(df[i,])])              ## Remove NA's
    names(newrow) <- names(df)[1:length(newrow)]  ## Apply names

    newrow                                        ## Output

#    obs type1  date1 type2  date2 type3  date3 type4  date4
#    1   1     2 date11     3 date12     4 date13     4 date14
#    2   2     2 date21     3 date22     4 date23    NA   <NA>
#    3   3     5 date31     1 date32    NA   <NA>    NA   <NA>


答案 2 :(得分:1)



df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
id type1 startdate1   enddate1 type2 startdate2   enddate2 type3 startdate3   enddate3
 1     A 2006-08-20 2006-12-06     W 2006-08-01 2007-08-29     P 2007-08-18 2007-09-27
 2     A 2006-01-05 2007-07-02    NA         NA         NA     Q 2008-01-15 2008-02-07

df %>%
    gather(key, value, -id) %>%  # convert to long format
    extract(key, c("var", "seq"), "(.*)(\\d)") %>%  # extract sequence number
    spread(var, value) %>%  # spread to wide format by id and sequence
    group_by(id) %>%
    arrange(startdate) %>%  # sort seq by startdate in id groups
    mutate(seq = 1:n()) %>%  # calculate new sequence order
    gather(key, value, -id, -seq) %>%  # convert to long format
    transmute(var = paste0(key, seq), value) %>%  # generate wide format names
    spread(var, value) %>%  # spread to back to wide format
    select(one_of(names(df))) %>%  # restore original column order
    mutate_each("as.Date", one_of(grep("date", names(df), value = TRUE)))
        # reapply date type to original date variables

#     Source: local data frame [2 x 10]
#     Groups: id [2]
#          id type1 startdate1   enddate1 type2 startdate2   enddate2 type3 startdate3   enddate3
#       (int) (chr)     (date)     (date) (chr)     (date)     (date) (chr)     (date)     (date)
#     1     1     W 2006-08-01 2007-08-29     A 2006-08-20 2006-12-06     P 2007-08-18 2007-09-27
#     2     2     A 2006-01-05 2007-07-02     Q 2008-01-15 2008-02-07    NA       <NA>       <NA>