我知道我们有this question from 2008和this question from 2012,两者都声明我们可以在长字符串中输入,并且它会自动在其间放置"newline indent + "
。但是,由于我们还有四年,我想知道是否有任何新功能/设置可以实现这一点。 (所以,是的,这在技术上是重复的,但是因为自从关于这个问题的最后一个问题以来它已经四年了,所以我决定再次提出它。)
目前我的代码中有字符串( duh )。例如:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Some random text with a length like" + " this, but also not very long");
String test =
"Another text, this time a bit longer so we should split it" + " after it has surpassed a certain"
+ " length");
我正在手动删除单行上的所有" + "
因为它只是看起来很流行,然后希望我可以保存文件而Checkstyle / formatter会自动重新应用" + "
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Some random text with a length like this, but also not very long");
String test =
"Another text, this time a bit longer so we should split it after it has surpassed"
+ " a certain length");