
时间:2016-06-08 03:18:26

标签: java android c++ opencv image-processing

我是OpenCV的初学者。我试图使用OpenCV做一个示例Android应用程序来检测给定图像中的嘴。我在互联网上搜索,但我找不到符合我要求的正确的android或java代码。但我有C ++代码。我不知道如何翻译它。

你能帮我找一个合适的java或android代码吗?或者请帮我把这个C ++代码翻译成java,我可以在android应用程序中使用。


C ++代码

/* program to detect facial features using opencv*/

/* detectFacialfeatures() is the main function that detects the face followed by Eyes,nose and mouth detection.*/

#include "stdafx.h"
     * Loads static images from database and detect faces
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "cv.h"
    #include "highgui.h"
    #include "cvaux.h"

    CvHaarClassifierCascade *cascade,*cascade_e,*cascade_nose,*cascade_mouth;
    CvMemStorage            *storage;
    char *face_cascade="haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml";
    char *eye_cascade="haarcascade_mcs_eyepair_big.xml";
    char *nose_cascade="haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml";
    char *mouth_cascade="haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml";

    /*Mouth detect ion*/
    void detectMouth( IplImage *img,CvRect *r)
       CvSeq *mouth;
       //mouth detecetion - set ROI
       cvSetImageROI(img,/* the source image */ 
                     cvRect(r->x,            /* x = start from leftmost */
                            r->y+(r->height *2/3), /* y = a few pixels from the top */
                            r->width,        /* width = same width with the face */
                            r->height/3    /* height = 1/3 of face height */
        mouth = cvHaarDetectObjects(img,/* the source image, with the estimated location defined */ 
                                    cascade_mouth,      /* the eye classifier */ 
                                    storage,        /* memory buffer */
                                    1.15, 4, 0,     /* tune for your app */ 
                                    cvSize(25, 15)  /* minimum detection scale */

            for( int i = 0; i < (mouth ? mouth->total : 0); i++ )

              CvRect *mouth_cord = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(mouth, i);
              /* draw a red rectangle */
                          cvPoint(mouth_cord->x, mouth_cord->y), 
                          cvPoint(mouth_cord->x + mouth_cord->width, mouth_cord->y + mouth_cord->height),
                          CV_RGB(255,255, 255), 
                          1, 8, 0
         //end mouth detection


    /*Nose detection*/
    void detectNose( IplImage *img,CvRect *r)
      CvSeq *nose;

      //nose detection- set ROI
      cvSetImageROI(img,                    /* the source image */ 
                    cvRect(r->x,            /* x = start from leftmost */
                           r->y , /* y = a few pixels from the top */
                           r->width,        /* width = same width with the face */
                           r->height  /* height = 1/3 of face height */

      nose = cvHaarDetectObjects(img, /* the source image, with the estimated location defined */ 
                                 cascade_nose,      /* the eye classifier */ 
                                 storage,        /* memory buffer */
                                 1.15, 3, 0,     /* tune for your app */ 
                                 cvSize(25, 15)  /* minimum detection scale */

      for( int i = 0; i < (nose ? nose->total : 0); i++ )
              CvRect *nose_cord = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(nose, i);

              /* draw a red rectangle */
                          cvPoint(nose_cord->x, nose_cord->y), 
                          cvPoint(nose_cord->x + nose_cord->width, nose_cord->y + nose_cord->height),
                          CV_RGB(0,255, 0), 
                          1, 8, 0


    /*Eyes detection*/
    void detectEyes( IplImage *img,CvRect *r)
        char *eyecascade;
        CvSeq *eyes;
        int eye_detect=0;

       //eye detection starts
      /* Set the Region of Interest: estimate the eyes' position */

        cvSetImageROI(img,                    /* the source image */ 
                  r->x,            /* x = start from leftmost */
                  r->y + (r->height/5.5), /* y = a few pixels from the top */
                  r->width,        /* width = same width with the face */
                  r->height/3.0    /* height = 1/3 of face height */

          /* detect the eyes */
          eyes = cvHaarDetectObjects( img,            /* the source image, with the estimated location defined */ 
                                      cascade_e,      /* the eye classifier */ 
                                      storage,        /* memory buffer */
                                      1.15, 3, 0,     /* tune for your app */ 
                                      cvSize(25, 15)  /* minimum detection scale */

          printf("\no of eyes detected are %d",eyes->total);

            /* draw a rectangle for each detected eye */
            for( int i = 0; i < (eyes ? eyes->total : 0); i++ )
                  /* get one eye */
                  CvRect *eye = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(eyes, i);
                  /* draw a red rectangle */
                                        cvPoint(eye->x, eye->y), 
                                        cvPoint(eye->x + eye->width, eye->y + eye->height),
                                        CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 
                                        1, 8, 0

    void detectFacialFeatures( IplImage *img,IplImage *temp_img,int img_no)

        char image[100],msg[100],temp_image[100];
        float m[6];
        double factor = 1;
        CvMat M = cvMat( 2, 3, CV_32F, m );
        int w = (img)->width;
        int h = (img)->height;
        CvSeq* faces;
        CvRect *r;

        m[0] = (float)(factor*cos(0.0));
        m[1] = (float)(factor*sin(0.0));
        m[2] = w*0.5f;
        m[3] = -m[1];
        m[4] = m[0];
        m[5] = h*0.5f;

        cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(img, temp_img, &M);
        CvMemStorage* storage=cvCreateMemStorage(0);
        cvClearMemStorage( storage );

        if( cascade )
            faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(img,cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(20, 20));
            printf("\nFrontal face cascade not loaded\n");

        printf("\n no of faces detected are %d",faces->total);

        /* for each face found, draw a red box */
        for(int i = 0 ; i < ( faces ? faces->total : 0 ) ; i++ )
            r = ( CvRect* )cvGetSeqElem( faces, i );
            cvRectangle( img,cvPoint( r->x, r->y ),cvPoint( r->x + r->width, r->y + r->height ),
                         CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 1, 8, 0 );    

            printf("\n face_x=%d face_y=%d wd=%d ht=%d",r->x,r->y,r->width,r->height);

            /* reset region of interest */
        /* reset region of interest */

                cvSaveImage( image, img );

    int main( int argc, char** argv )
        CvCapture *capture;
        IplImage  *img,*temp_img;
        int       key;

        char image[100],temp_image[100];

        /* load the classifier 
           note that I put the file in the same directory with
           this code */
        storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );
            cascade = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( face_cascade, 0, 0, 0 );
        cascade_e = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( eye_cascade, 0, 0, 0 );
        cascade_nose = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( nose_cascade, 0, 0, 0 );
        cascade_mouth = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( mouth_cascade, 0, 0, 0 );

        if( !(cascade || cascade_e ||cascade_nose||cascade_mouth) )
            fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade\n" );
            return -1;

        for(int j=20;j<27;j++)

             sprintf(image,"D:\\ptz images\\%d.jpg",j);


            printf("Could not load image file and trying once again: %s\n",image);
            printf("\n curr_image = %s",image);


        cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade );
        cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade_e );

        cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade_nose );
        cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade_mouth );
        cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );


        return 0;

enter image description here enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

有一个Android预装的Opencv 3.0端口。

opencv中的大多数工作都是用C ++编写的。

有一些Java例子,例如face Detector(非常简单)。我不确定是否有口腔和眼睛检测器。



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