使用JNAerator访问Mac OSX下的库

时间:2016-06-06 18:32:25

标签: java macos jna jnaerator

如果我使用我的库的标题运行JNAerator,那么进程会占用处理器时间并且似乎永远不会完成 - 在首次发出警告之后:

adrian$ java -Xmx128m -jar ~/JNAerator/jnaerator/target/jnaerator-0.13-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar /Users/adrian/DRAMSim2/DRAMSim.h -mode StandaloneJar
Warning: no -library option for file 'DRAMSim.h', using "DRAMSim".
Auto-configuring parser...
Parsing native headers...

/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:74:25: warning: #warning "Unsupported compiler detected"
/usr/include/_types/_wctype_t.h:30:19: warning: No newline before end of file


java -Xmx128m -jar ~/JNAerator/jnaerator/target/jnaerator-0.13-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar -scanSymbols  -mode StandaloneJar
Auto-configuring parser...
Parsing native headers...
Normalizing parsed code...
Generating libraries...

Compiling JNAerated files...


Copying runtime classes...
Generating out.jar
# SUCCESS: JNAeration completed !
# Output mode is 'StandaloneJar(JAR with bindings and runtime dependencies)
# => '/Users/adrian/groovy/simul/src/simul/./out.jar'


根据wiki的建议使用-noComp -noJar根本不会产生任何输出......

adrian$ java -Xmx128m -jar ~/JNAerator/jnaerator/target/jnaerator-0.13-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar -scanSymbols  -noComp -noJar
WARNING: option (?i)-noComp is deprecated and might be removed in future versions.
WARNING: option (?i)-noJar is deprecated and might be removed in future versions.
WARNING: legacy options (?i)-noJar and (?i)-noComp used, defaulting -mode to Directory
Auto-configuring parser...
Parsing native headers...
Normalizing parsed code...
Generating libraries...

# SUCCESS: JNAeration completed !
# Output mode is 'Directory(Bindings sources in simple file hierarchy)
# => '/Users/adrian/groovy/simul/src/simul/.'


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