
时间:2016-05-27 05:21:23

标签: progress-4gl openedge

表:wod_det 在wod_det表中,我想为所有订单计算wod_qty_req 意味着wod_nbr是每个订单的工作订单,会有组件项目,例如wod_part这些wod_part会有wod_qty_req所以我想要的是每个工作订单我需要wod_qty_req为所有wod_part计算我试过这样

define variable iCount as integer no-undo.                                      
def var site like si_site no-undo.                                              
def var total like wod_qty_req initial 0 no-undo.                               
  for first si_mstr no-lock where si_mstr.si_domain = global_domain:              
      site = si_site.                                                              
      for each wod_det no-lock where wod_domain = global_domain              
                          and wod_site = site break by wod_nbr: 
          disp wod_nbr wod_part wod_qty_req(total by wod_nbr).                        

我不知道这是否正确但我没有得到任何输出这个PLZ帮我解决这个问题? 提前谢谢..

How to keep a flex item from overflowing due to its text?


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>//for functions in date function
#include <time.h> //for functions in date function
#include <sys/stat.h>//for mkdir functions
#include <unistd.h>//for usleep function
#include <ctype.h>//for toupper function in swap function

using namespace std;

struct PersonInfo
    char FirstName[20];
    char LastName[20];
    char Address[40];
    char PhoneNumber[20];

    int Age;

    PersonInfo *Link;

bool EmptyFileChecker(ifstream &FI, const char *P);
void AddPeopleToList(PersonInfo *&HeadPointer);
void RebuildOldList(ifstream &FI, PersonInfo *&HeadPointer, const char *P);
void DisplayList(PersonInfo *HeadPointer);
void SaveSettings(ofstream &FO, const PersonInfo *HeadPointer, const char *P);
void DisplayMenu(PersonInfo *&HeadPointer, const char *P, ifstream &FileIn, ofstream &FileOut);
void SortContacts(PersonInfo *&HeadPointer);
bool NamesInOrder(const char LastName1[], const char LastName2[]);
string Date();

//Delete Contact

//Check for memory leaks in code and destructor?
//Return something - noun-like
//void adjective - like

int main()
    PersonInfo *HeadPointer;

    const char *Path = "/Users/josephlyons/Library/Application Support/The Lyons' Den Labs/TheLyons'DenContactInformation.txt";//code variable for username

    ifstream FileIn;
    ofstream FileOut;

    mkdir("/Users/josephlyons/Library/Application Support/The Lyons' Den Labs", ACCESSPERMS);//MODE??

    if (!EmptyFileChecker(FileIn, Path))

        RebuildOldList(FileIn, HeadPointer, Path);

    DisplayMenu(HeadPointer, Path, FileIn, FileOut);


    SaveSettings(FileOut, HeadPointer, Path);

void DisplayMenu(PersonInfo *&HeadPointer, const char *P, ifstream &FileIn, ofstream &FileOut)
    short int MenuChoice;

        cout << "(1) Display Contact List\n";
        cout << "(2) Organize Contact List\n";//delete when done with program and automatically sort list before saving.
        cout << "(3) Add Contact/s\n";
        cout << "(4) Delete Contact/s\n";
        cout << "(5) Quit\n\n";

        cout << "Choice: ";
        cin >> MenuChoice;

        if (MenuChoice == 1)

        else if (MenuChoice == 2)

        else if (MenuChoice == 3)

        else if (MenuChoice == 4)
            cout << "choice 4";
    while(MenuChoice != 5);

bool EmptyFileChecker(ifstream &FI, const char *P)//DONE

    if (FI.fail())
        return false;

    else if (FI.eof())//return 0 if file doesnt exist or if file is empty
        return false;

        return true;

void AddPeopleToList(PersonInfo *&HeadPointer)
    PersonInfo *CurrentPosition;

    char UserChoice;

        CurrentPosition = new PersonInfo;

        if (CurrentPosition == NULL)
            cout << "Not enough memmory to make new contact.";

        cout << "\nEnter First Name:   ";
        cin >> CurrentPosition->FirstName;
        CurrentPosition->FirstName[0] = toupper(CurrentPosition->FirstName[0]);//automatically capitalize first name

        cout << "Enter Last Name:    ";
        cin >> CurrentPosition->LastName;
        CurrentPosition->LastName[0] = toupper(CurrentPosition->LastName[0]);//automatically capitalize last name

        cin.ignore();//flushes a single newline left in input buffer from previous cin >>
        cout << "Enter Adress:       ";
        cin.getline(CurrentPosition->Address, 40);//using cin.get() to allow for spaces in address

        cout << "Enter Phone Number: ";
        cin.getline (CurrentPosition->PhoneNumber, 20);//using cin.get() to allow for spaces in number

        cout << "Enter Age:          ";
        cin >> CurrentPosition->Age;

        cout << "\nAdd another contact? Y/N: ";
        cin >> UserChoice;

        cout << "\n";

        CurrentPosition->Link = HeadPointer;

        HeadPointer = CurrentPosition;
    while (UserChoice == 'y' || UserChoice == 'Y');


void RebuildOldList(ifstream &FI, PersonInfo *&HeadPointer, const char *P)
    PersonInfo *TemporaryPersonPointer;
    char EndOfListChecker = 1;//initialized at a not 0 to allow entrance into loop

    while (EndOfListChecker != 0)
        TemporaryPersonPointer = new PersonInfo;

        if (TemporaryPersonPointer == NULL)
            cout << "Not enough memory to generate the full list";

        FI >> TemporaryPersonPointer->FirstName;
        FI >> TemporaryPersonPointer->LastName;

        FI.ignore();//flushes a single newline from input
        FI.getline(TemporaryPersonPointer->Address, 40);

        FI.getline(TemporaryPersonPointer->PhoneNumber, 20);

        FI >> TemporaryPersonPointer->Age;

        TemporaryPersonPointer->Link = HeadPointer;

        HeadPointer = TemporaryPersonPointer;


        while (EndOfListChecker == '\n')

        if (EndOfListChecker != 0)

void DisplayList(PersonInfo *HeadPointer)
        cout << "\nFirst Name:   ";
        cout << HeadPointer->FirstName << endl;

        cout << "Last Name:    ";
        cout << HeadPointer->LastName << endl;

        cout << "Adress:       ";
        cout << HeadPointer->Address << endl;

        cout << "Phone Number: ";
        cout << HeadPointer->PhoneNumber << endl;

        cout << "Age:          ";
        cout << HeadPointer->Age;

        cout << "\n\n";

        HeadPointer = HeadPointer->Link;

    while (HeadPointer != NULL);

    cout << "Press enter to go to main menu: ";


    cout << "\n";

void SaveSettings(ofstream &FO, const PersonInfo *HeadPointer, const char *P)

    if (FO.fail())
        cout << "Couldn't Open File\n";

    while (HeadPointer != NULL)
        FO << HeadPointer->FirstName   << endl;
        FO << HeadPointer->LastName    << endl;
        FO << HeadPointer->Address     << endl;
        FO << HeadPointer->PhoneNumber << endl;
        FO << HeadPointer->Age         << endl << endl;

        HeadPointer = HeadPointer->Link;

    FO << (char) 0 << endl;

    FO << "Date of Settings: " << Date() << endl;


void SortContacts(PersonInfo *&HeadPointer)
    PersonInfo *MovingPointer1;//used to "crawl" down list
    PersonInfo *MovingPointer2;//used to "crawl" down list
    PersonInfo *StaticPointer;//always points at first node to give HeadPointer a way to link back to the list at end
    PersonInfo *TemporaryPointer;//holds a node during a swap

    bool ZeroSwapsOccured = false;//initialized at false to allow entrance into loop once

    MovingPointer1 = StaticPointer = HeadPointer;//set all to point at first node

    MovingPointer2 = HeadPointer->Link;

    while (ZeroSwapsOccured == false)
        ZeroSwapsOccured = true;

        while (MovingPointer2->Link != NULL)
            if (!NamesInOrder(MovingPointer1->LastName, MovingPointer2->LastName))
                ZeroSwapsOccured = false;

                //Temp = MP1
                //MP1  = MP2
                //MP2  = TEMP

                MovingPointer1->Link = MovingPointer2->Link;
                MovingPointer2->Link = MovingPointer1;
                HeadPointer->Link = MovingPointer2;

    HeadPointer = StaticPointer;//link HeadPointer back to list after sort

bool NamesInOrder(const char LastName1[], const char LastName2[])
    for (int i = 0; LastName1[i] || LastName2[i]; ++i)//go until you get to the end of the larger name
        if(toupper(LastName1[i]) < toupper(LastName2[i]))
           return true;

        if(toupper(LastName1[i]) > toupper(LastName2[i]))
            return false;

    return true;//this will only be used if same last name

    //build in fucntionality to then go to first name after last name, if both last names are the same

string Date()//not my code here - just modified it to read easier
    char Time[50];
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    strftime(Time, 50, "%b, %d, %Y", localtime(&now)); //short month name
    return string(Time);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




define variable iCount as integer no-undo.
def var site like si_site no-undo.
for first si_mstr no-lock where si_mstr.si_domain = global_domain:
   site = si_site.

for each wod_det no-lock where wod_domain = global_domain 
                           and wod_site = site 
                           break by wod_det.[WORK_ORDER_FIELD]:

    iCount = 0.
    if first-of(wod_det.[WORK_ORDER_FIELD]) then do: 
        iCount = iCount + 1.
    display od_det.[WORK_ORDER_FIELD] iCount.