使用Typescript时是否有在Meteor 1.3中使用模式验证的软件包。 Meteor指南推荐的软件包(aldeed:simple-schema)似乎没有定义文件。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
用于Meteor 1.3以及使用Typescript的最佳软件包是aldeed:node-simple-schema。
SimpleSchema于2013年中期首次作为Meteor软件包发布。 版本1.0于2014年9月发布。在2016年中期,版本2.0 作为NPM包发布,可用于Meteor,NodeJS, 或静态浏览器应用程序。
npm install simpl-schema还有其他名为NPM的软件包 simpleschema和simple-schema。确保安装正确 包。 “简化”上没有“e”。
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
但你的问题是关于打字的问题。 Meteor打字的起点是https://github.com/meteor-typescript/meteor-typescript-libs/tree/master/definitions的Meteor打字图书馆 在其中,您将找到collection2和simple-schema的定义,但它是旧简单模式。它们确实为你提供了一个很好的起点,你会想要回来并稍微拿起那些2个。最终,经过大约一周的搜索/等。我根据Meteor Git上的原始编写了我自己的一套。希望他们对未来的搜索者有所帮助,即使他们对你来说有点迟了。
declare module "simpl-schema" {
export class ValidationContext {
constructor(ss: any);
addValidationErrors(errors: any): void;
clean(...args: any[]): any;
getErrorForKey(key: any, ...args: any[]): any;
isValid(): any;
keyErrorMessage(key: any, ...args: any[]): any;
keyIsInvalid(key: any, ...args: any[]): any;
reset(): void;
setValidationErrors(errors: any): void;
validate(obj: any, ...args: any[]): any;
validationErrors(): any;
interface SchemaDefinition {
type: any;
label?: string | Function;
optional?: boolean | Function;
min?: number | boolean | Date | Function;
max?: number | boolean | Date | Function;
minCount?: number | Function;
maxCount?: number | Function;
allowedValues?: any[] | Function;
decimal?: boolean;
exclusiveMax?: boolean;
exclusiveMin?: boolean;
regEx?: RegExp | RegExp[];
custom?: Function;
blackbox?: boolean;
autoValue?: Function;
defaultValue?: any;
trim?: boolean;
interface CleanOption {
filter?: boolean;
autoConvert?: boolean;
removeEmptyStrings?: boolean;
trimStrings?: boolean;
getAutoValues?: boolean;
isModifier?: boolean;
extendAutoValueContext?: boolean;
interface SimpleSchemaStatic {
new(schema: {[key: string]: SchemaDefinition} | any[]): SimpleSchemaStatic;
debug: boolean;
namedContext(name?: string): SimpleSchemaValidationContextStatic;
addValidator(validator: Function): any;
pick(...fields: string[]): SimpleSchemaStatic;
omit(...fields: string[]): SimpleSchemaStatic;
clean(doc: any, options?: CleanOption): any;
schema(key?: string): SchemaDefinition | SchemaDefinition[];
getDefinition(key: string, propList?: any, functionContext?: any): any;
keyIsInBlackBox(key: string): boolean;
labels(labels: {[key: string]: string}): void;
label(key: any): any;
Integer: RegExp;
messages(messages: any): void;
messageForError(type: any, key: any, def: any, value: any): string;
allowsKey(key: any): string;
newContext(): SimpleSchemaValidationContextStatic;
objectKeys(keyPrefix: any): any[];
validate(obj: any, options?: ValidationOption): void;
validator(options: ValidationOption): Function;
RegEx: {
Email: RegExp;
EmailWithTLD: RegExp;
Domain: RegExp;
WeakDomain: RegExp;
IP: RegExp;
IPv4: RegExp;
IPv6: RegExp;
Url: RegExp;
Id: RegExp;
ZipCode: RegExp;
Phone: RegExp;
interface ValidationOption {
modifier?: boolean;
upsert?: boolean;
clean?: boolean;
filter?: boolean;
upsertextendedCustomContext?: boolean;
interface SimpleSchemaValidationContextStatic {
validate(obj: any, options?: ValidationOption): boolean;
validateOne(doc: any, keyName: string, options?: ValidationOption): boolean;
resetValidation(): void;
isValid(): boolean;
invalidKeys(): { name: string; type: string; value?: any; }[];
addInvalidKeys(errors: { name: string, type: string; }[]): void;
keyIsInvalid(name: any): boolean;
keyErrorMessage(name: any): string;
getErrorObject(): any;
interface MongoObjectStatic {
forEachNode(func: Function, options?: {endPointsOnly: boolean;}): void;
getValueForPosition(position: string): any;
setValueForPosition(position: string, value: any): void;
removeValueForPosition(position: string): void;
getKeyForPosition(position: string): any;
getGenericKeyForPosition(position: string): any;
getInfoForKey(key: string): any;
getPositionForKey(key: string): string;
getPositionsForGenericKey(key: string): string[];
getValueForKey(key: string): any;
addKey(key: string, val: any, op: string): any;
removeGenericKeys(keys: string[]): void;
removeGenericKey(key: string): void;
removeKey(key: string): void;
removeKeys(keys: string[]): void;
filterGenericKeys(test: Function): void;
setValueForKey(key: string, val: any): void;
setValueForGenericKey(key: string, val: any): void;
getObject(): any;
getFlatObject(options?: {keepArrays?: boolean}): any;
affectsKey(key: string): any;
affectsGenericKey(key: string): any;
affectsGenericKeyImplicit(key: string): any;
export const SimpleSchema: SimpleSchemaStatic;
export const SimpleSchemaValidationContext: SimpleSchemaValidationContextStatic;
export const MongoObject: MongoObjectStatic;
export interface SimpleSchema {
debug: boolean;
addValidator(validator: Function): any;
extendOptions(options: {[key: string]: any}): void;
messages(messages: any): void;
RegEx: {
Email: RegExp;
Domain: RegExp;
WeakDomain: RegExp;
IP: RegExp;
IPv4: RegExp;
IPv6: RegExp;
Url: RegExp;
Id: RegExp;
ZipCode: RegExp;
Phone: RegExp;
export interface MongoObject {
expandKey(val: any, key: string, obj: any): void;
export default SimpleSchema;
declare module "meteor/mdg:validated-method" {
declare class ValidatedMethod<T> extends MeteorValidatedMethod.ValidatedMethod<T> { }
declare module MeteorValidatedMethod {
export class ValidatedMethod<T> {
constructor(options: ValidatedMethodOptions<T>);
call(options?: T, cb?: (err, res)=> void): void;
interface ValidatedMethodOptions<T> {
name: string;
mixins?: Function[];
validate: any;
applyOptions: any;
run(opts: T);
aldeed:collection2-core 2.0.0 Core package for aldeed:collection2
aldeed:schema-deny 2.0.0 Deny inserting or updating certain properties through schema options
aldeed:schema-index 2.0.0 Control some MongoDB indexing with schema options
mdg:validated-method 1.1.0 A simple wrapper for Meteor.methods
mdg:validation-error 0.5.1 A standard validation error to be used by form/method/validation packages