如何从paho java客户端向paho javascript客户端发送消息。
String topic = "chatWith/904";
String content = "Message from MqttPublishSample";
int qos = 0;
String broker = "tcp://";
String clientId = "JavaSample";
MemoryPersistence persistence = new MemoryPersistence();
try {
MqttClient sampleClient = new MqttClient(broker, clientId, persistence);
MqttConnectOptions connOpts = new MqttConnectOptions();
System.out.println("Connecting to broker: "+broker);
System.out.println("Publishing message: "+content);
MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(content.getBytes());
sampleClient.publish(topic, message);
System.out.println("Message published");
} catch(MqttException me) {
正在发生两个JS客户端之间的消息交换。但在Javasript& java客户端,消息交换没有发生。
client = new Messaging.Client(host, Number(port), clientId);
client.onConnect = onConnect;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
client.onMessageDelivered = onMessageDelivered;
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
var willMessage = createByteMessage({
id: '',
'status': 'Offline',
'senderId': myUserId,
'senderName': myName
}, statusTopic);
willMessage.retained = true;
'willMessage': willMessage
此处端口为8083,mqtt broker为emqtt
% -*- mode: erlang;erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
%% ex: ft=erlang ts=4 sw=4 et
[{kernel, [
{start_timer, true},
{start_pg2, true}
{sasl, [
{sasl_error_logger, {file, "log/emqttd_sasl.log"}}
{ssl, [
%{versions, ['tlsv1.2', 'tlsv1.1']}
{lager, [
{colored, true},
{async_threshold, 5000},
{error_logger_redirect, false},
{crash_log, "log/emqttd_crash.log"},
{handlers, [
%%{lager_console_backend, info},
%%NOTICE: Level >= error
%%{lager_emqtt_backend, error},
{lager_file_backend, [
{formatter_config, [time, " ", pid, " [",severity,"] ", message, "\n"]},
{file, "log/emqttd_error.log"},
{level, error},
{size, 104857600},
{date, "$D0"},
{count, 30}
{esockd, [
{logger, {lager, error}}
{emqttd, [
%% Authentication and Authorization
{access, [
%% Authetication. Anonymous Default
{auth, [
%% Authentication with username, password
%{username, []},
%% Authentication with clientid
%{clientid, [{password, no}, {file, "etc/clients.config"}]},
%% Authentication with LDAP
% {ldap, [
% {servers, ["localhost"]},
% {port, 389},
% {timeout, 30},
% {user_dn, "uid=$u,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"},
% {ssl, fasle},
% {sslopts, [
% {"certfile", "ssl.crt"},
% {"keyfile", "ssl.key"}]}
% ]},
%% Allow all
{anonymous, []}
%% ACL config
{acl, [
%% Internal ACL module
{internal, [{file, "etc/acl.config"}, {nomatch, allow}]}
%% MQTT Protocol Options
{mqtt, [
%% Packet
{packet, [
%% Max ClientId Length Allowed
{max_clientid_len, 512},
%% Max Packet Size Allowed, 64K default
{max_packet_size, 65536}
%% Client
{client, [
%% Socket is connected, but no 'CONNECT' packet received
{idle_timeout, 30} %% seconds
%% Session
{session, [
%% Max number of QoS 1 and 2 messages that can be “in flight” at one time.
%% 0 means no limit
{max_inflight, 100},
%% Retry interval for redelivering QoS1/2 messages.
{unack_retry_interval, 60},
%% Awaiting PUBREL Timeout
{await_rel_timeout, 20},
%% Max Packets that Awaiting PUBREL, 0 means no limit
{max_awaiting_rel, 0},
%% Statistics Collection Interval(seconds)
{collect_interval, 0},
%% Expired after 2 day (unit: minute)
{expired_after, 2880}
%% Queue
{queue, [
%% simple | priority
{type, simple},
%% Topic Priority: 0~255, Default is 0
%% {priority, [{"topic/1", 10}, {"topic/2", 8}]},
%% Max queue length. Enqueued messages when persistent client disconnected,
%% or inflight window is full.
{max_length, infinity},
%% Low-water mark of queued messages
{low_watermark, 0.2},
%% High-water mark of queued messages
{high_watermark, 0.6},
%% Queue Qos0 messages?
{queue_qos0, true}
%% Broker Options
{broker, [
%% System interval of publishing broker $SYS messages
{sys_interval, 60},
%% Retained messages
{retained, [
%% Expired after seconds, never expired if 0
{expired_after, 0},
%% Max number of retained messages
{max_message_num, 100000},
%% Max Payload Size of retained message
{max_playload_size, 65536}
%% PubSub and Router
{pubsub, [
%% Default should be scheduler numbers
{pool_size, 8},
%% Store Subscription: true | false
{subscription, true},
%% Route aging time(seconds)
{route_aging, 5}
%% Bridge
{bridge, [
%%TODO: bridge queue size
{max_queue_len, 10000},
%% Ping Interval of bridge node
{ping_down_interval, 1} %seconds
%% Modules
{modules, [
%% Client presence management module.
%% Publish messages when client connected or disconnected
{presence, [{qos, 0}]},
%% Subscribe topics automatically when client connected
{subscription, [
%% $c will be replaced by clientid
%% {"$queue/clients/$c", 1},
%% Static subscriptions from backend
%% Rewrite rules
%% {rewrite, [{file, "etc/rewrite.config"}]}
%% Plugins
{plugins, [
%% Plugin App Library Dir
{plugins_dir, "./plugins"},
%% File to store loaded plugin names.
{loaded_file, "./data/loaded_plugins"}
%% Listeners
{listeners, [
{mqtt, 1883, [
%% Size of acceptor pool
{acceptors, 16},
%% Maximum number of concurrent clients
{max_clients, 512},
%% Socket Access Control
{access, [{allow, all}]},
%% Connection Options
{connopts, [
%% Rate Limit. Format is 'burst, rate', Unit is KB/Sec
%% {rate_limit, "100,10"} %% 100K burst, 10K rate
%% Socket Options
{sockopts, [
%Set buffer if hight thoughtput
%{recbuf, 4096},
%{sndbuf, 4096},
%{buffer, 4096},
%{nodelay, true},
{backlog, 1024}
{mqtts, 8883, [
%% Size of acceptor pool
{acceptors, 4},
%% Maximum number of concurrent clients
{max_clients, 512},
%% Socket Access Control
{access, [{allow, all}]},
%% SSL certificate and key files
{ssl, [{certfile, "etc/ssl/ssl.crt"},
{keyfile, "etc/ssl/ssl.key"}]},
%% Socket Options
{sockopts, [
{backlog, 1024}
%{buffer, 4096},
%% WebSocket over HTTPS Listener
%% {https, 8083, [
%% %% Size of acceptor pool
%% {acceptors, 4},
%% %% Maximum number of concurrent clients
%% {max_clients, 512},
%% %% Socket Access Control
%% {access, [{allow, all}]},
%% %% SSL certificate and key files
%% {ssl, [{certfile, "etc/ssl/ssl.crt"},
%% {keyfile, "etc/ssl/ssl.key"}]},
%% %% Socket Options
%% {sockopts, [
%% %{buffer, 4096},
%% {backlog, 1024}
%% ]}
%% HTTP and WebSocket Listener
{http, 8083, [
%% Size of acceptor pool
{acceptors, 4},
%% Maximum number of concurrent clients
{max_clients, 64},
%% Socket Access Control
{access, [{allow, all}]},
%% Socket Options
{sockopts, [
{backlog, 1024}
%{buffer, 4096},
%% Erlang System Monitor
{sysmon, [
%% Long GC, don't monitor in production mode for:
%% https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/feb45017da36be78d4c5784d758ede619fa7bfd3/erts/emulator/beam/erl_gc.c#L421
{long_gc, false},
%% Long Schedule(ms)
{long_schedule, 240},
%% 8M words. 32MB on 32-bit VM, 64MB on 64-bit VM.
%% 8 * 1024 * 1024
{large_heap, 8388608},
%% Busy Port
{busy_port, false},
%% Busy Dist Port
{busy_dist_port, true}