
时间:2016-05-19 15:34:47

标签: java arrays object

很抱歉我的标题不清楚,但我不知道怎么说不同。 我有一个对象" Rapport"它需要几个参数(3个字符串和一个对象)。这个对象" SortingParameter"需要一些布尔参数" boolean ... args"。我的目标是读取文本文件中的行,创建一个由这些" Rapport"对象。为此,我循环了以下几行:

for (String line : Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("myTxt.txt"),Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"))) {
    String[] split = line.split(";");
        rapports.add(new Rapport(split[0],split[1],split[2],new SortingParameter(PROBLEM)));
        rapports.add(new Rapport(split[0],split[1],split[2]));

我想动态地在对象中添加其余的split []标签。有人知道如何干净利落吗?

我的其余代码: Rapport.java

package model;

import static model.Constant.RESSOURCES;

public class Rapport {
    private String nomListe;
    private String nomRessource;
    private String categorie;
    private SortingParameter param;
    private boolean hasParameter;

    public Rapport(String nomListe, String nomRessource, String categorie, SortingParameter param){
        this.nomListe = nomListe;this.nomRessource = RESSOURCES + nomRessource; 
        this.categorie = categorie;this.param = param;
        this.hasParameter = true;
    public Rapport(String nomListe, String nomRessource, String categorie){
        this.nomListe = nomListe; this.nomRessource = RESSOURCES + nomRessource;
        this.categorie = categorie; this.param = null; this.hasParameter = false;

    /** Getters **/
    public String getNomListe(){return nomListe;}
    public String getNomRessource(){return nomRessource;}
    public String getCategorie(){return categorie;}
    public boolean hasParameter(){return hasParameter;}
    public SortingParameter getParam(){return param;}



package model;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SortingParameter {
    private ArrayList<Boolean> paramList;

    public SortingParameter(boolean... args){
        paramList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (boolean arg : args) {

    public ArrayList<Boolean> getParamList(){return paramList;}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

正如您所说,您希望将split [] - tab的其余部分添加到Rapport-instance。 只需在您的Rapport-class中提供String-Array作为属性:

public class Rapport {
     //some attributes...
     private String[] eitherColumns;
     //getters and setters and so on....

