QUICK SORT堆栈溢出c ++大数字

时间:2016-05-18 00:36:15

标签: c++ sorting stack quicksort

美好的一天 我试图使用10000个数字的快速排序,但它给我堆栈溢出错误。它适用于随机数,但它不具有降序和升序数。

' 谢谢

void quickSort(long* array, long start, long last)
    if (start < last)
        int p = partition(array, start, last);
        quickSort(array, start, p-1);
        quickSort(array, p + 1, last);
int partition(long* array, long start, long last)//first partition
    int j = start + 1;
    for (long i = start + 1;i <= last;i++)
        if (array[i] < array[start])
            swap(array[i], array[j]);

    swap(array[start], array[j - 1]);
    return j - 1;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

对于已排序的元素,您可以通过选择三个元素array[start]array[last]array[(start + last + 1)/2]的中位数作为透视值来避免此问题。

int median_of_3(long* array, long start, long last)
    long a = (start + last + 1)/2, b = start, c = last;
    if (array[c] < array[a]) swap(array[c], array[a]);
    if (array[b] < array[a]) swap(array[b], array[a]);
    if (array[c] < array[b]) swap(array[c], array[b]);
    return partition(array, start, last);


void quickSort(long* array, long start, long last)
    if (start >= last) return;

    int p = median_of_3(array, start, last);
    int next_start[2] = { start, p + 1 };
    int next_last[2] = { p - 1, last };
    bool i = p > (start + last)/2;
    quickSort(array, next_start[i], next_last[i]);
     * If the compiler does not optimize the tail call below into
     * a loop, it is easy to do the optimization manually.
    quickSort(array, next_start[!i], next_last[!i]);


void introSortImpl(long* array, long start, long last, int depth)
    if (--depth == 0) {
        heapSort(array, start, last);

    if (start >= last) return;

    int p = median_of_3(array, start, last);
    int next_start[2] = { start, p + 1 };
    int next_last[2] = { p - 1, last };
    bool i = p > (start + last)/2;
    introSortImpl(array, next_start[i], next_last[i], depth);
    introSortImpl(array, next_start[!i], next_last[!i], depth);

void introspectionSort(long* array, long start, long last)
    introSortImpl(array, start, last, log2(start - last) * 3);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

Lomuto分区方案的示例,如quicksort,在较小的分区上使用递归,更新l或r,然后循环返回以将较大的分区拆分为两个分区,重复该过程。最坏情况的堆栈空间是O(log2(n)),它应该避免堆栈溢出。最坏的情况时间复杂度仍为O(n ^ 2)(取决于如何实现分区)。


void quicksort(int * tab, int l, int r)
   int q;
   while(l < r)
      q = partition(tab, l, r);
      if(q - l < r - q) {     // recurse into the smaller partition
         quicksort(tab, l, q - 1);
         l = q + 1;
      } else {
         quicksort(tab, q + 1, r);
         r = q - 1;
   }                          // loop on the larger partition