如何在Android Studio中更改默认的jcenter()值?

时间:2016-05-17 19:13:24

标签: android-studio

参见SO:Peer not authenticated while importing Gradle project in eclipse

为了消除错误,在新的Android Studio项目中,我必须按如下方式编辑build.gradle:

    jcenter {
        url "http://jcenter.bintray.com/"


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我制作了一个vbscript文件来执行此操作,粘贴在下面,并处理以下路径:C:\ Program Files \ Android \ Android Studio \ plugins


const ToRead = 1
const ToWrite = 2
const ToAppend = 8
edit_path = ""
if wscript.arguments.count > 0 then edit_path = trim(wscript.arguments.item(0))
if left(edit_path,1) = """" then edit_path = mid(edit_path,2)
if right(edit_path,1) = """" then edit_path = left(edit_path,len(edit_path)-1)
if len(edit_path) = 0 then
  msgbox "Drag and drop the folder onto this script file to process it"
  end if
set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim reader,writer
if not fso.folderexists(edit_path) then
  msgbox "folder not found"
  end if
count = 0
if msgbox("The following path will be processed" & vbcrlf & _
          edit_path & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
          "Continue?",vbyesno) = vbyes then
  scan edit_path
  msgbox count & " files edited"
  end if

sub scan(path)
  set files = fso.getfolder(path).files
  for each f in files
    if lcase(right(f.name,11)) = ".gradle.ftl" then edit_file path & "\" & f.name
  set folders = fso.getfolder(path).subfolders
  for each f in folders : scan path & "\" & f.name : next
end sub

sub edit_file(file_name)
  set reader = fso.opentextfile(file_name,ToRead)
  a = ""
  if not reader.atendofstream then a = reader.readall
  found = false
  sw = true
  while sw
    sw = false
    p = instr(1,a,"  jcenter()" & vblf,vbtextcompare)
    if p > 0 then
      q = instrrev(a,vblf,p)
      if q > 0 then
        sw = true
        found = true
        spacing = p - q + 1
        a = left(a,q) & space(spacing) & "//jcenter()" & vblf & _
                        space(spacing) & "jcenter {" & vblf & _
                        space(spacing) & "    url ""http://jcenter.bintray.com/""" & vblf & _
                        space(spacing) & "}" & mid(a,p+11)
        end if
      end if
  if found then
    count = count + 1
    fso.movefile file_name,file_name & ".save"
    set writer = fso.createtextfile(file_name)
    writer.write a
    end if
end sub