使用VBA从HTML页面中提取ID /类信息

时间:2016-05-15 01:07:13

标签: html excel vba excel-vba

我刚才写了一个Excel VBA程序,它可以读取HTML页面并提取有关我的游戏集合价格的具体信息。它工作正常,直到一个月前一切都停止工作,我不知道它为什么不再工作,我需要一些帮助来解决这个问题。


    Dim htm As Object           ' tableau HTML venant du site pricecharting
    ' Find price over internet
    With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
       .Open "GET", "http://videogames.pricecharting.com/game/" & console & "/" & name & "", False
       htm.body.innerhtml = .responsetext
    End With

    ' what I want is in a table row 1 and cell 0 (used price)
    Cells(ligne + 1, 3).Value = htm.getelementbyid("price_data").Rows(1).Cells(0).innerText

这是一个示例页面,其中" console"已被nintendo-64和"" name"取代作者:mario-kart-64:


<div id="price_data" class="info_box">
        <div id="used_price">
            <h3>Loose <span>Price</span></h3>
            <p class="price">
            <p class="js-show-tab volume" data-show-tab="completed-auctions-used">
    <span class="tablet-portrait-hidden">Volume:&nbsp;</span>
    <a href="#">3 sales per day</a>

        <div id="complete_price">
            <h3>Complete <span>Price</span></h3>
            <p class="price">
            <p class="js-show-tab volume" data-show-tab="completed-auctions-cib">
    <span class="tablet-portrait-hidden">Volume:&nbsp;</span>
    <a href="#">2 sales per week</a>

        <div id="new_price">
            <h3>New <span>Price</span></h3>
            <p class="price">


            <p class="js-show-tab volume" data-show-tab="completed-auctions-new">
    <span class="tablet-portrait-hidden">Volume:&nbsp;</span>
    <a href="#">2 sales per month</a>

我的目标(我成功了)是去提取价格44.60美元然后,就像我说的那样,它不再起作用了,我得到了错误&#39; -2147024891(80070005)&#39 ;:访问被拒绝。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Public Sub WebScrape()
    Dim htm As Object, doc As Object

    Set htm = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    Set doc = CreateObject("HTMLFile")

    With htm
       .Open "GET", "http://videogames.pricecharting.com/game/" _
                       & console & "/" & Name & "", False
       doc.write .responsetext
    End With

    Cells(ligne + 1, 3).Value = doc.getelementbyid("price_data").Rows(1).Cells(0).innerText

    Set doc = Nothing
    Set htm = Nothing

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


 ' Search price over internet
    With CreateObject("WINHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1")
        .Open "GET", "http://videogames.pricecharting.com/game/" & console & "/" & name & "", False
        htm.body.innerhtml = .responsetext
    End With

    ' Search the price with the state of the game (completed ou cartridge only)
    If consoleandname(3) <> "Completed set" Then

        ' the information we search is found with ID used_price
        Cells(ligne + 1, 3).Value = htm.getelementbyid("used_price").innertext

    ElseIf consoleandname(3) = "Completed set" Then

       ' the information we search is found with ID completed_price
        Cells(ligne + 1, 3).Value = htm.getelementbyid("complete_price").innertext
    End If

所以我没有使用msxml2.xmlhttp,而是使用WINHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1(但我不太确定有什么区别)。我发现HTML代码已被修改,因为我第一次成功使其再次使用指令:     单元格(ligne + 1,3).Value = htm.getelementbyid(“price_data”)。getElementsByTagName(“p”)(0).innertext
