我正在使用eclipse并使用Junit 4测试用例制作了两个测试类。 每个测试类都运行正常,现在我需要创建一个运行两个测试类的TestSuite。 2个测试类的名称是:GuessManager.class& AsciiPicutre.class 所以我通过添加一个名为TestSuite的类来完成它,这里是类代码:
package hangman;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
@Suite.SuiteClasses({GuessManager.class, AsciiPicture.class })
public class TestSuite
知道我做错了什么吗?我相信它是关于我的TestSuite类的,因为如果我直接运行它们,每个测试都有效。 此外,测试不是基于另一个。
编辑: 这是我的两个测试类:
package hangman;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AsciiPictureTest {
AsciiPicture canvas;
AsciiPicture pic;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
canvas = new AsciiPicture(6, 4, '0');
pic = new AsciiPicture(1, 1, '*');
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testOverlay() throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < canvas.height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < canvas.width; j++) {
// Initial the expected result as char 2d - array
char[][] expected = CreatePicture(canvas.width, canvas.height, '0');
// Put a '*' in specific location to imitate the result of the overlay function
expected[i][j] = '*';
// Initial the canvas to 'blank' canvas
canvas = new AsciiPicture(6, 4, '0');
// Making the actual overlay at index[i][j]
canvas.overlay(pic, j, i, ' ');
// Checking if the expected is equal to actual by checking each one of the characters
asciiPictureCharArrAssertEquals(canvas, expected);
public void testPrint() throws IOException {
// Defining ByteArratOutputStream for "catching" the data that will be printed
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// Setting the out of "System" to ByteArrayOutputStream we just defined
System.setOut(new PrintStream(out));
// Printing the data to the new configured output
// Defining and building the expected String
String expectedOutput = "000000" + System.lineSeparator() +
"000000" + System.lineSeparator() +
"000000" + System.lineSeparator() +
"000000" + System.lineSeparator();
// Checking if what was printed is equal to what should be printed
assertEquals(out.toString(), expectedOutput);
public char[][] CreatePicture(int width, int height, char bgChar) {
char[][] picture = new char[height][];
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
picture[i] = new char[width];
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j)
picture[i][j] = bgChar;
return picture;
public boolean asciiPictureCharArrAssertEquals(AsciiPicture actual, char[][] expected ) {
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < expected[0].length; j++) {
char expectedChar = expected[i][j];
char actualChar = actual.get(j, i);
assertEquals(expectedChar, actualChar);
return true;
package hangman;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.Authenticator.Success;
import hangman.GuessManagerContract.GuessResponse;
* @author
public class GuessManagerTest {
private GuessManager gm;
private static final String CORRECT_WORD = "Test";
private static final char INCORRECT_LETTER = 'k';
private static final char CORRECT_LETTER = 't';
private static final int NUMBER_OF_GUESSES = 10;
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void setUp() throws Exception {
gm = new GuessManager(CORRECT_WORD , NUMBER_OF_GUESSES);
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testGetBadGuessesLeft() {
GuessResponse gr;
// First Case - Initial value equal to number passed to constructor
assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_GUESSES, gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
// Second Case - After one bad guess - number of guesses decreased by one
gr = gm.getGuessResponse(INCORRECT_LETTER); // Guess letter which isn't in word
if (gr != GuessResponse.GUESS_BAD) fail("Should result in bad guess but didn't");
assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_GUESSES - 1 , gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
// Third Case - After one good guess - number of guesses remains the same
gr = gm.getGuessResponse(CORRECT_LETTER); // Guess letter which is in word
if ((gr != GuessResponse.GUESS_GOOD)&&(CORRECT_WORD.chars().distinct().count() != 1)) fail("Should result in good guess but didn't");
assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_GUESSES - 1 , gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
public void testGetGuessResponseGood() {
// First Case - a correct letter has been guessed ,
//testing for correct GuessResponse and no change in mount of bad Guesses Left
int currentBadGuessesLeft = gm.getBadGuessesLeft();
if (CORRECT_WORD.chars().distinct().count() != 1) {
assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_GOOD , gm.getGuessResponse(CORRECT_LETTER));
else {
assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_WIN , gm.getGuessResponse(CORRECT_LETTER));
assertEquals(currentBadGuessesLeft , gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
public void testGetGuessResponseBad() {
// Second Case - a bad letter has been guessed ,
//testing for correct GuessResponse and decrease by one in mount of bad Guesses Left
int currentBadGuessesLeft = gm.getBadGuessesLeft();
assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_BAD , gm.getGuessResponse(INCORRECT_LETTER));
assertEquals(currentBadGuessesLeft - 1 , gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
public void testGetGuessResponseWin() {
// Third Case - a wining letter has been guessed
//testing for correct GuessResponse and no change in mount of bad Guesses Left
//int currentBadGuessesLeft = gm.getBadGuessesLeft();
// Making a for loop for putting all the correct letters but the last wining letter
for (int i = 0; i < CORRECT_WORD.chars().distinct().count() - 1 ; i++) {
char currentLetter = CORRECT_WORD.charAt(i);
if (i != CORRECT_WORD.chars().distinct().count() - 1) assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_GOOD , gm.getGuessResponse(currentLetter));
else assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_WIN , gm.getGuessResponse(currentLetter));
// When we get there is only one letter left before winning ,find it and check for win
//char currentLetter = CORRECT_WORD.charAt(CORRECT_WORD.length() - 2);
//assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_WIN , gm.getGuessResponse(currentLetter));
//System.out.println("Im here");
public void testGetGuessResponseLose() {
// Forth Case - a bad letter has been guessed and only one guess left ,
//testing for correct GuessResponse and decrease by one in mount of bad Guesses Left
int currentBadGuessesLeft = gm.getBadGuessesLeft();
int limit = gm.getBadGuessesLeft();
// Making a for loop for guessing all the incorrect letters but the last losing letter
for (int i = 0; i < limit - 1; i++) {
assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_BAD , gm.getGuessResponse(INCORRECT_LETTER));
assertEquals(currentBadGuessesLeft - 1 , gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
currentBadGuessesLeft = gm.getBadGuessesLeft();
// When we get there is only one letter left before winning ,find it and check for win
assertEquals(GuessResponse.GUESS_LOSE , gm.getGuessResponse(INCORRECT_LETTER));
assertEquals(0 , gm.getBadGuessesLeft());
答案 0 :(得分:1)
package hangman;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
@Suite.SuiteClasses({GuessManagerTest.class, AsciiPictureTest.class })
public class TestSuite {