
时间:2016-05-14 10:43:29

标签: javascript animation svg svg-morphing

  • 我希望在形状之间进行平滑过渡(下面的示例显示了一个突然过渡,这样您就可以了解我需要平滑过渡的地方)。
  • 形状的顺序由Javascript确定(例如我修复了一个任意序列,但在实际问题中,用户输入确定选择哪个形状,因此事先不知道。)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<svg xmlns=""
    width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
window.animate = function( fromId, toId, next )
    return function()
        var elem = document.getElementById( 'elem' );
        /* Here a smooth animation is supposed to happen. */
        elem.setAttribute( 'xlink:href', '#' + toId );

        if( next )
            window.setTimeout( next, 1000 );

window.onload = function()
    /* The animation order is determined by javascript. */
    var step3 = window.animate( 'path-2', 'path-1', null );
    var step2 = window.animate( 'path-1', 'path-2', step3 );
    var step1 = window.animate( 'path-0', 'path-1', step2 );
    var step0 = window.animate( 'path-0', 'path-0', step1 );



<path id="path-0" style="fill:#fcc" d="M0,0 h100 v100 h-100 v-100" />
<path id="path-1" style="fill:#ccf" d="M0,0 h50 l50 50 l-100 50 v-100" />
<path id="path-2" style="fill:#cfc" d="M0,0 h150 l-50 50 l-100 50 v-100" />

<use id="elem" xlink:href="#path-0" x="150" y="150" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

<svg xmlns=""
    width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
window.set_animation = function( animId, fromId, toId )
    var anim = document.getElementById( animId );
    var from = document.getElementById( fromId );
    var to = document.getElementById( toId );
    anim.setAttribute( 'from', from.getAttribute( 'd' ) );
    anim.setAttribute( 'to', to.getAttribute( 'd' ) );

window.onload = function()
    /* The animation order is determined by javascript. */
    window.set_animation( 'anim-0', 'path-0', 'path-1' );
    window.set_animation( 'anim-1', 'path-1', 'path-2' );
    window.set_animation( 'anim-2', 'path-2', 'path-1' );

    /* Can start animation only once animation steps are defined. */
    var anim = document.getElementById( 'anim-0' );


    <path id="path-0" style="fill:#fcc" d="M0,0 l100,0 l0,100 l-100,0 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-1" style="fill:#ccf" d="M0,0 l50,0 l50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-2" style="fill:#cfc" d="M0,0 l150,0 l-50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />

<path id="elem" x="150" y="150" d="">
    <animate id="anim-0" begin="indefinite" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" dur="2s" from="[set by javascript]" to="[set by javascript]" />
    <animate id="anim-1" begin="anim-1.end" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" dur="2s" from="[set by javascript]" to="[set by javascript]" />
    <animate id="anim-2" begin="anim-2.end" attributeType="XML" attributeName="d" dur="2s" from="[set by javascript]" to="[set by javascript]" />

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 具有相同数量的路径元素
  2. 具有匹配的路径命令
  3. 您的动画无法正常工作,因为路径不兼容:

    path-0: M h v h v
    path-1: M h l l v

答案 1 :(得分:1)


对于IE / Chrome,您需要fakeSmileChrome SMIL shim,但这在Firefox上没有插件的情况下会播放。

<svg xmlns=""
    width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 400 400">

function create_animation(animId, paths, attribute)
    var anim = document.getElementById( animId );
    var values = { return document.getElementById(item).getAttribute(attribute) }).join(';'); 
    anim.setAttribute( 'values', values );

window.set_animation = function( animId, paths )
    create_animation(animId, paths, 'd');
    create_animation(animId + '-colour', paths, 'fill');

window.onload = function()
    /* The animation order is determined by javascript. */
    window.set_animation( 'anim-0', ['path-0', 'path-1', 'path-2'] );


    <path id="path-0" fill="#fcc" d="M0,0 l100,0 l0,100 l-100,0 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-1" fill="#ccf" d="M0,0 l50,0 l50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />
    <path id="path-2" fill="#cfc" d="M0,0 l150,0 l-50,50 l-100,50 l0,-100" />
  <animate id='anim-0' dur="3s" attributeName='d' fill="freeze"/>
  <animate id='anim-0-colour' dur="3s" attributeName='fill' fill="freeze"/>