
时间:2016-05-11 19:10:09

标签: f# self-reference discriminated-union


<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="MyList" MethodName="GetValues" ObjectType="{x:Type sys:Enum}">
        <x:Type TypeName="MyEnum" />

但有没有办法在类型签名中引用其他案例?以下两个都会引发“未定义类型'年'的错误”&amp; “类型'月'未定义”

type Tree=
    | Node of Tree
    | Leaf
type Period =
    | Year of int
    | Month of Year * int
    | Day of Month * int

是否有某种形式的注释或我尚未遇到的关键字(类似于type Period' = | Year of int | Month of Period'.Year * int | Day of Period'.Month * int )会允许这样的使用?

1 个答案:

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type Year = Year of int
type Month = | Month of Year * int
type Day = Month * int
type Period =
  | Year of Year
  | Month of Month
  | Day of Day