
时间:2016-05-05 15:14:09

标签: sql-server


TestCase id Test Case Name Execution id Attribute Result 1 Log in to machine 1 Windows 7 Pass 1 Log in to machine 2 Windows 8 Fail 1 Log in to machine 3 Windows 10 Pass 2 Log out of machine 4 Windows 7 Pass 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine 5 Windows 7 Pass 2 Log out of machine 6 Windows 8 Pass 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine 7 Windows 8 Pass 2 Log out of machine 8 Windows 10 Pass 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine 9 Windows 10 Pass 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine 10 Windows 8 Pass 1 Log in to machine 11 Windows 8 Fail 2 Log out of machine 12 Windows 8 Pass


SELECT DISTINCT(Test Case id), Test Case Name, Attribute, Result
WHERE Attribute=<some attribute to report on> AND Max(Execution id)
ORDER BY Test Case id


  • 第一个只返回不同的测试用例id。我最接近这样做的是使用group by但是它要求我将结果包含在group by子句中,它给出了最后一次传递结果和最后一次失败的结果(我不想要两者......只是最后一次结果)。
  • 我遇到的另一个问题是尝试使用Max(执行ID)。我不是SQL方面的专家,并尝试过不同的方法来做到这一点,但收效甚微。



Select distinct(Test Case id), Test Case Name, Attribute, Result
Where Attribute=Windows 7 AND Max(Execution id)
Order By Test Case id

TestCase id Test Case Name Attribute Result Execution id 1 Log in to machine Windows 7 Pass 1 2 Log out of machine Windows 7 Pass 4 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine Windows 7 Pass 5

Select distinct(Test Case id), Test Case Name, Attribute, Result
Where Attribute=Windows 8 AND Max(Execution id)
Order By Test Case id

TestCase id Test Case Name Attribute Result Execution id 1 Log in to machine Windows 8 Fail 11 2 Log out of machine Windows 8 Pass 12 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine Windows 8 Pass 10

Select distinct(Test Case id), Test Case Name, Attribute, Result
Where Attribute=Windows 10 AND Max(Execution id)
Order By Test Case id

TestCase id Test Case Name Attribute Result Execution id 1 Log in to machine Windows 10 Pass 3 2 Log out of machine Windows 10 Pass 8 3 Do crazy hacker stuff on machine Windows 10 Pass 9


我想知道我是否可以使用结果,我得到最后一次传递和最后一次失败并使用一些逻辑来比较哪个有更大的exec id并且只显示一个但我不确定你是否可以甚至只用SQL做那种东西。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


;WITH cte AS 
    SELECT  *, 
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [TestCase id], [Attribute] ORDER BY [Execution id] DESC) Rn 
    FROM    Table1
    -- WHERE Attribute = can go here
WHERE Rn = 1 -- Top result ordered by [Execution id] Desc

答案 1 :(得分:0)



Select distinct(Test Case id), Test Case Name, Attribute, Result
Where Attribute=Windows 7 AND Max(Execution id)
Order By Test Case id


SELECT [Test Case id], [Test Case Name], Attribute, Result, Max([Execution id]) AS [Max Execution id]
FROM TableName
WHERE Attribute = 'Windows 7'
GROUP BY [Test Case id], [Test Case Name], Attribute, Result

答案2: (与问题1相同,只有不同的WHERE子句):

SELECT [Test Case id], [Test Case Name], Attribute, Result, Max([Execution id]) AS [Max Execution id]
FROM TableName
WHERE Attribute = 'Windows 8'
GROUP BY [Test Case id], [Test Case Name], Attribute, Result
ORDER BY [Test Case id]

问题3: 选择distinct(测试用例ID),测试用例名称,属性,结果 其中Attribute = Windows 10 AND Max(执行ID) 按测试用例ID排序

答案3: (与问题2相同,只有不同的WHERE子句):

SELECT [Test Case id], [Test Case Name], Attribute, Result, Max([Execution id]) AS [Max Execution id]
FROM TableName
WHERE Attribute = 'Windows 10'
GROUP BY [Test Case id], [Test Case Name], Attribute, Result
ORDER BY [Test Case id]

我想知道是否可以使用我得到的两个结果   传递和最后失败并使用一些逻辑来比较哪个有   更大的执行者只显示一个,但我不确定你是否可以   只用SQL做那种东西。

  • 您当然可以在单个查询(使用子查询)或一系列查询中执行此类操作。你只需要嵌套它们或者适当地订购它们。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



    ExecutionId int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    TestCaseId int NOT NULL,
    TestCaseName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
    Attribute nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
    Result nvarchar(4) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO dbo.TestCase (TestCaseId, TestCaseName, ExecutionId, Attribute, Result)
    (1, N'Log in to machine', 1 , N'Windows 7', N'Pass'),
    (1, N'Log in to machine', 2 , N'Windows 8', N'Fail'),
    (1, N'Log in to machine', 3 , N'Windows 10', N'Pass'),
    (2, N'Log out of machine', 4 , N'Windows 7', N'Pass'),
    (3, N'Do crazy hacker stuff on machine', 5, N'Windows 7', N'Pass'),
    (2, N'Log out of machine', 6 , N'Windows 8', N'Pass'),
    (3, N'Do crazy hacker stuff on machine', 7, N'Windows 8', N'Pass'),
    (2, N'Log out of machine', 8 , N'Windows 10', N'Pass'),
    (3, N'Do crazy hacker stuff on machine', 9, N'Windows 10', N'Pass'),
    (3, N'Do crazy hacker stuff on machine', 10, N'Windows 8', N'Pass'),
    (1, N'Log in to machine', 11, N'Windows 8', N'Fail'),
    (2, N'Log out of machine', 12, N'Windows 8', N'Pass');


    SELECT TestCaseId, TestCaseName, Attribute, ExecutionId, LAST_VALUE(Result) OVER(PARTITION BY TestCaseId, TestCaseName, Attribute ORDER BY ExecutionID) AS 'LastResult'
        FROM dbo.TestCase
SELECT TestCaseId, TestCaseName, Attribute, LastResult
    FROM cte
    GROUP BY TestCaseId, TestCaseName, Attribute, LastResult
    ORDER BY TestCaseId, Attribute;

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