Λ → v
Λ → ( λ v Λ )
Λ → ( Λ Λ )
Λ → (L Λ)
L → (LET (LL) Λ)
LL → (v Λ)
;; λ-expression grammar
;; λ-calc -> v
;; λ-calc -> (λ-calc λ-calc)
;; λ-calc -> (λ v λ-calc)
(define-type λ-calc
(λ-sym (v : symbol))
(λ-app (l : λ-calc)(r : λ-calc))
(λ-def (v : symbol)(expr : λ-calc))
;; Tests;;
(λ-sym 'x)
(λ-app (λ-sym 'x)(λ-sym 'y))
(λ-def 'v (λ-app (λ-sym 'x)(λ-sym 'y)))
;; parse : s-expression -> λ
;; Examples
;; 'x -> (λ-sym 'x)
;; '(x y) -> (λ-app (λ-sym 'x) (λ-sym 'y))
;; '(λ x y) -> (λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'y))
;; '((λ x y) (x y)) -> (λ-app (λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'y)) (λ-app (λ-sym 'x) (λ-sym 'y)))
;; Template
;; (define (parse [expr : s-expression]) : λ
;; (cond
;; [(s-exp-symbol? expr) (λ-var (... expr))]
;; [(s-exp-list? expr)
;; (let ([sl (...expr)])
;; (cond
;; [(> (length sl) 2) (... ) (parse ...))]
;; [else (parse ...)) (parse ...)))])
;; )]
;; [else (error 'parse ...)]))
(define (parse (ex : s-expression)) : λ-calc
[(s-exp-symbol? ex)(λ-sym (s-exp->symbol ex))]
[(s-exp-list? ex)
(let ([ex-list (s-exp->list ex)])
[(= 2 (length ex-list)) (λ-app (parse (first ex-list))(parse (second ex-list)))]
[(= 3 (length ex-list)) (if (and (symbol=? 'λ (s-exp->symbol (first ex-list))) (s-exp-symbol? (second ex-list)))
(λ-def (s-exp->symbol(second ex-list))
(parse (third ex-list)))
(error 'parse "Wrong lambda calc")
[else (error 'parse "List length is unexpectedly big")]
[else (error 'parse "This is not lambda")]
;; Examples
;; (λ-sym 'x) -> 'x
;; (λ-app (λ-def 'x) (λ-sym 'y)) -> '(x y)
;; Template
;;(define (unparse (le : λ-calc)) : s-expression
;; (type-case λ-calc le
;; (λ-sym (v) (v))
;; (λ-app (l r)(... (unparse l)(unparse r))))
;; (λ-def (v expr)(...
;; v)(unparse expr))))
(define (unparse (le : λ-calc)) : s-expression
(type-case λ-calc le
(λ-sym (v) (symbol->s-exp v))
(λ-app (l r)(list->s-exp (list (unparse l)(unparse r))))
(λ-def (v expr)(list->s-exp
(list (symbol->s-exp 'λ)(symbol->s-exp v)(unparse expr))))
;; λ-calc symbol λ-calc -> λ-calc
;;(define (substituter [what : λ-calc] [for : symbol] [in : λ-calc]) : λ-calc
;; (type-case λ-calc in
;; (λ-sym (v) (if (symbol=? ...)
;; what
;; in))
;; (λ-app (l r) (λ-app (....) (.....)))
;; (λ-def (v expr)(λ-def v (substituter what for expr))))
(define (substituter [what : λ-calc] [for : symbol] [in : λ-calc]) : λ-calc
(type-case λ-calc in
(λ-sym (v) (if (symbol=? v for)
(λ-app (l r) (λ-app (substituter what for l)
(substituter what for r)))
(λ-def (v expr)(λ-def v (substituter what for expr)))
;; beta-transformer : ((λ x M) N) --> [M:x=N]
;;;; (λx x) y -> (y)
;; ( ((λx x) (λy y)) ((λx x) (y y)) ) -> ( (λy y) ((λx x) (y y)) )
;; Template
;;(define (beta-transformer (le : λ-calc)) : λ-calc;;
;;(type-case λ-calc le
;; (λ-sym (v) )
;; (λ-app (l r) (if (λ-def? l) (...))
;; (λ-app (beta-transformer l) (beta-transformer r))))
;; (λ-def (v expr) (λ-def ....)))))
(define (beta-transformer (le : λ-calc)) : λ-calc
(type-case λ-calc le
(λ-sym (v) le)
(λ-app (l r) (if (λ-def? l)
(substituter r (λ-def-v l) (λ-def-expr l))
(λ-app (beta-transformer l) (beta-transformer r))))
(λ-def (v expr) (λ-def v (beta-transformer expr)))))
;; A set represented as a list.
;; union : (listof symbol) (listof symbol) -> (listof symbol)
;; finding the union of two sets.
(define (union (s1 : (listof symbol)) (s2 : (listof symbol))) : (listof symbol)
(foldr (lambda (x y)
(if (member x y)
(cons x y)))
(append s1 s2)))
;; set-difference : (listof symbol) (listof symbol) -> (listof symbol)
;; To find the set difference of two sets.
(define (set-difference (s1 : (listof symbol)) (s2 : (listof symbol))) : (listof symbol)
(filter (lambda (x)
(not (member x s2)))
;; Tests:
(test (union empty empty) empty)
(test (union empty (list 'x)) (list 'x))
(test (union (list 'x)(list 'x 'y)) (list 'x 'y))
(test (parse (symbol->s-exp 'y))(λ-sym 'y))
(test (parse '(λ x x))(λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'x)))
(test (parse '((λ x x) y))(λ-app (λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'x)) (λ-sym 'y)))
(test (unparse (λ-sym 'y))(symbol->s-exp 'y))
(test (unparse (λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'x))) '(λ x x))
(test (unparse (λ-app (λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'x)) (λ-sym 'y)))
'((λ x x) y))
(test (beta-transformer (parse '((λ x x) a)))
(parse (symbol->s-exp 'a)))
(test (beta-transformer (parse '((λ x y) a)))
(parse (symbol->s-exp 'y)))
(test (beta-transformer (parse '((λ x (a b)) k)))
(parse '(a b)))
(test (beta-transformer (parse '((λ x (λ x y)) k)))
(parse '(λ x y)))
(test (beta-transformer (parse '((λ x (λ y x)) k)))
(parse '(λ y k)))
(test (beta-transformer (parse '((λ x (λ y (x y))) k)))
(parse '(λ y (k y))))
;; Redex, lambda calculus leftmost inner form
;; Template
;; (define (leftReduction x) : s-exp
;; (type-case λ-calc
;; [λ-sym (v) (v)]
;; [λ-def (v expr) (unparse)]
;; [λ-app (l r) (unparse )]))
;;(test (leftReduction (λ-def (λ-sym 'a) (λ-(λ-def 'x (λ-sym 'x))) '(λ x x)) 'b) )
;(test (leftReduction (λ-sym '3)) '3)
(define (leftReduction la) : s-expression
(type-case λ-calc la
[λ-sym (v) (symbol->s-exp v)]
[λ-def (v expr) (unparse la)]
[λ-app (l r) (unparse l)]))
答案 0 :(得分:3)
(define-type λ-calc
(λ-sym (v : symbol))
(λ-app (l : λ-calc)(r : λ-calc))
(λ-def (v : symbol)(expr : λ-calc))
type Symbol = String
data Lcalc
= Lsym Symbol
| Lapp Lcalc Lcalc
| Ldef Symbol Lcalc
deriving (Show) -- and possibly Eq, Ord
;; Tests;;
(λ-sym 'x)
(λ-app (λ-sym 'x)(λ-sym 'y))
(λ-def 'v (λ-app (λ-sym 'x)(λ-sym 'y)))
test1, test2, test3 :: Lcalc
test1 = Lsym "x"
test2 = Lapp (Lsym "x") (Lsym "y")
test3 = Ldef "v" (Lapp (Lsym "x") (Lsym "y"))
要操纵lambda术语,需要模式匹配。 E.g。
-- free variables
free :: Lcalc -> [Symbol]
free (Lsym x) = [x]
free (Lapp s t) = nub (free s ++ free t) -- we remove duplicates here
free (Ldef x t) = delete x (free t)