我编写了以下代码,但没有帮助 根据我的要求。代码应该匹配coloumn标题 目标工作簿,搜索中的相同列标题 源工作簿(工作表),获取其下的所有数据 特定列直到行的结尾并将其复制到相同的列下 目标工作簿(工作表)中的列标题。这个任务 应该执行到目标工作簿中的所有列 工作表被填满。
Sub LPN()
Dim CurrentWS As Worksheet
Set CurrentWS = ActiveSheet
>I have made a sheet in the main workbook(Rates EMEA CDS PT+FVA.v1.25 Apr 2016.i1.xlsm) known as **controls** , in this sheet I have specified the path of the workbook(worksheet) that has to be opened and from where the data has to be copied. The name of the cell where the path has been mentioned I named it as GPL
Set master = ActiveWorkbook
GPL = Range("GPL").Value
Workbooks.Open Filename:=GPL
Set GPLfile = ActiveWorkbook
>Open the particular workbook with specified worksheet having .xlsx extension
Dim SourceWS As Worksheet
Set SourceWS = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("PNL Attribution")
Dim SourceHeaderRow As Integer: SourceHeaderRow = 1
Dim SourceCell As Range
Workbooks("Rates EMEA CDS PT+FVA.v1.25 Apr 2016.i1.xlsm").Activate
Dim TargetWS As Worksheet
Set TargetWS = Worksheets("PNL Attribution")
Dim TargetHeader As Range
Set TargetHeader = TargetWS.Range("A10:ZZ10") (The code will look for all the column headings in the source workbook match it with the headings in the target workbook(worksheet) which are not in order.
Dim RealLastRow As Long
Dim SourceCol As Integer
For Each Cell In TargetHeader
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
Set SourceCell = Rows(SourceHeaderRow).Find _
(Cell.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not SourceCell Is Nothing Then
SourceCol = SourceCell.Column
RealLastRow = Columns(SourceCol).Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
If RealLastRow > SourceHeaderRow Then
Range(Cells(SourceHeaderRow + 1, SourceCol), Cells(RealLastRow, _
TargetWS.Cells(2, Cell.Column).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub Cols_Value_Add_test()
Set shSour = Worksheets("1")
Set shDest = Worksheets("2")
Dim rngSour As Range, rngDest As Range
Set rngSour = shSour.Cells(3, 2)
Set rngDest = shDest.Cells(3, 3)
Dest_Row = rngDest.Row + rngDest.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Cols_Value_Add rngSour, rngDest
End Sub
Sub Cols_Value_Add(rngSour As Range, _
rngDest As Range)
Dim rngDest_Col As Long, rngDest_Col_Max As Long
Dim shSour_Col As Long
rngDest_Col_Max = rngDest.CurrentRegion.Columns.Count
For rngDest_Col = 1 To rngDest_Col_Max
shSour_Col = shSour_Col_Find(rngDest, rngDest_Col)
If shSour_Col > 0 Then _
CopyPaste rngSour, shSour_Col, rngDest, rngDest_Col
End Sub
Sub CopyPaste(rngSour As Range, _
shSour_Col As Long, _
rngDest As Range, _
rngDest_Col As Long)
Dim Sour_Row_Max As Long
Sour_Row_Max = rngSour.CurrentRegion.Row + rngSour.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1
With shSour
Set rngSour = .Range(.Cells(rngSour.Row, shSour_Col), _
.Cells(Sour_Row_Max, shSour_Col))
End With
rngDest_Col = rngDest.Row + rngDest_Col - 1
shDest.Cells(Dest_Row, rngDest_Col).PasteSpecial _
End Sub
Function shSour_Col_Find(rngDest As Range, _
rngDest_Col As Long) _
As Long
Dim sHeader As String, rng As Range
sHeader = rngDest.Cells(1, rngDest_Col).Value
Set rng = shSour.Cells.Find(sHeader, , , xlWhole)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then _
shSour_Col_Find = rng.Column
End Function