如何在tmux中取消映射<ctrl> + <shift> + <up down =“”>

时间:2016-04-29 14:52:44

标签: vim keyboard-shortcuts key-bindings tmux

我在// Create a 5x2 safearray of integer arrays with VT_I4 fields... comstl::variant fieldInfo; fieldInfo.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT; { SAFEARRAYBOUND sab[2]; sab[0].lLbound = 1; sab[0].cElements = 5; // i sab[1].lLbound = 1; sab[1].cElements = 2; // j fieldInfo.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab); } // Fill safearray with values like: /* FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 2), Array(2, 2), Array(3, 2), Array(4, 2), Array(5, 2)) */ // first of all fill the first column with data... for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { VARIANT tmp; tmp.vt = VT_I4; tmp.lVal = i; // Add to safearray... long indices[] = {i,1}; SafeArrayPutElement(fieldInfo.parray, indices, (void *)&tmp); } // ...after that - fill the second column. for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { VARIANT tmp; tmp.vt = VT_I4; tmp.lVal = 2; // Add to safearray... long indices[] = {i,2}; SafeArrayPutElement(fieldInfo.parray, indices, (void *)&tmp); }




但意识到它是ridiculously difficult所以我停了下来。

我现在成功地在vim AND vim + tmux中映射了以下4个:

nmap <c-Tab> :bnext<CR>                        
nmap <c-S-Tab> :bprevious<CR>

但是那些关注2的人在nmap <c-left> :bprevious <CR> nmap <c-right> :bnext <CR> nmap <c-S-left> <c-w>h nmap <c-S-right> <c-w>l 本身工作,但不在vim vim内工作



=&GT;这是一个tmux“问题”,我不使用这个tmux功能,所以我想在tmux中取消绑定这些组合(Ctrl + Shift +向上/向下)(我认为它将在vim中工作)。我该怎么办?

EDIT1 :我的.tmux.conf

nmap <c-S-up> <c-w>k 
nmap <c-S-down> <c-w>j

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


unbind-key C-S-Up
unbind-key C-S-Down