我知道我可以使用InvokeScript调用JavaScript函数,但是如何在Document中从JavaScript调用C#代码?我想由于安全性而不容易,但无论如何,它有可能吗? 这些JavaScript函数应该是用户函数,就像宏一样,它会告诉WebBrowser在我自己编写的整个C#库的帮助下究竟该怎么做。由于这是一个Web scraper,因此JavaScript是这些宏的完美语言,因为它几乎可以访问HTML文档中的元素。
答案 0 :(得分:48)
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Security.Permissions;
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
public class Form1 : Form
private WebBrowser webBrowser1 = new WebBrowser();
private Button button1 = new Button();
public static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
public Form1()
button1.Text = "call script code from client code";
button1.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click);
webBrowser1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
webBrowser1.AllowWebBrowserDrop = false;
webBrowser1.IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled = false;
webBrowser1.WebBrowserShortcutsEnabled = false;
webBrowser1.ObjectForScripting = this;
// Uncomment the following line when you are finished debugging.
//webBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
webBrowser1.DocumentText =
"<html><head><script>" +
"function test(message) { alert(message); }" +
"</script></head><body><button " +
"onclick=\"window.external.Test('called from script code')\">" +
"call client code from script code</button>" +
public void Test(String message)
MessageBox.Show(message, "client code");
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
new String[] { "called from client code" });
答案 1 :(得分:4)
WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting允许您将[ComVisible] .net类的实例公开给托管Web浏览器中运行的javascript代码。它在javascript中显示为window.external
微软的优秀文章: 的 How to: Implement Two-Way Communication Between DHTML Code and Client Application Code 强>
答案 2 :(得分:1)
using System;
using System.Threading;
using FluentSharp.Web35;
using FluentSharp.WinForms;
using FluentSharp.CoreLib;
using FluentSharp.CoreLib.API;
namespace FluentSharp.Watin
public static class WatiN_IE_ExtensionMethods_Javascript
public static object invokeScript(this WatiN_IE ie, string functionName)
return ie.invokeScript(functionName, null);
public static object invokeScript(this WatiN_IE ie, string functionName, params object[] parameters)
//"[WatiN_IE] invokeScript '{0}' with parameters:{1}".info(functionName ,parameters.size());
return ie.invokeScript(true, functionName, parameters);
public static object invokeScript(this WatiN_IE ie, bool waitForExecutionComplete, string functionName, params object[] parameters)
var sync = new AutoResetEvent(false);
object responseValue = null;
var document = ie.WebBrowser.Document;
if (parameters.isNull())
responseValue = document.InvokeScript(functionName);
responseValue = document.InvokeScript(functionName, parameters);
if (waitForExecutionComplete)
return responseValue;
public static object invokeEval(this WatiN_IE ie, string evalScript)
var evalParam = "(function() { " + evalScript + "})();";
//"[WatiN_IE] invokeEval evalParam: {0}".debug(evalParam);
return ie.invokeScript("eval", evalParam);
public static WatiN_IE.ToCSharp injectJavascriptFunctions(this WatiN_IE ie)
return ie.injectJavascriptFunctions(false);
public static WatiN_IE.ToCSharp injectJavascriptFunctions(this WatiN_IE ie, bool resetHooks)
if (ie.WebBrowser.isNull())
"in InjectJavascriptFunctions, ie.WebBrowser was null".error();
if (ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting.isNull() || resetHooks)
ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting = new WatiN_IE.ToCSharp();
"Injecting Javascript Hooks * Functions for page: {0}".debug(ie.url());
ie.eval("var o2Log = function(message) { window.external.write(message) };");
ie.invokeScript("o2Log","Test from Javascript (via toCSharp(message) )");
ie.eval("$o2 = window.external");
"Injection complete (use o2Log(...) or $o2.write(...) to talk back to O2".info();
return (ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting as WatiN_IE.ToCSharp);
if((ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting is WatiN_IE.ToCSharp))
return (ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting as WatiN_IE.ToCSharp);
"in WatiN_IE injectJavascriptFunctions, unexpected type in ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting: {0}".error(ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting.typeName());
return null;
public static object downloadAndExecJavascriptFile(this WatiN_IE ie, string url)
"[WatiN_IE] downloadAndExecJavascriptFile: {0}".info(url);
var javascriptCode = url.uri().getHtml();
if (javascriptCode.valid())
return ie;
public static WatiN_IE injectJavascriptFunctions_onNavigate(this WatiN_IE ie)
ie.onNavigate((url)=> ie.injectJavascriptFunctions());
return ie;
public static WatiN_IE setOnAjaxLog(this WatiN_IE ie, Action<string, string,string,string> onAjaxLog)
(ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting as WatiN_IE.ToCSharp).OnAjaxLog = onAjaxLog;
return ie;
public static WatiN_IE eval_ASync(this WatiN_IE ie, string script)
O2Thread.mtaThread(()=> ie.eval(script));
return ie;
public static WatiN_IE eval(this WatiN_IE ie, string script)
return ie.eval(script, true);
public static WatiN_IE eval(this WatiN_IE ie, string script, bool waitForExecutionComplete)
var executionThread = O2Thread.staThread(()=> ie.IE.RunScript(script));
if (waitForExecutionComplete)
return ie;
public static WatiN_IE alert(this WatiN_IE ie, string alertScript)
return ie.eval("alert({0});".format(alertScript));
public static object getJsObject(this WatiN_IE ie)
var toCSharpProxy = ie.injectJavascriptFunctions();
if (toCSharpProxy.notNull())
return toCSharpProxy.getJsObject();
return null;
public static T getJsObject<T>(this WatiN_IE ie, string jsCommand)
var jsObject = ie.getJsObject(jsCommand);
if (jsObject is T)
return (T)jsObject;
return default(T);
public static bool doesJsObjectExists(this WatiN_IE ie, string jsCommand)
var toCSharpProxy = ie.injectJavascriptFunctions();
if (toCSharpProxy.notNull())
var command = "window.external.setJsObject(typeof({0}))".format(jsCommand);
return toCSharpProxy.getJsObject().str()!="undefined";
return false;
public static object getJsVariable(this WatiN_IE ie, string jsCommand)
return ie.getJsObject(jsCommand);
public static object getJsObject(this WatiN_IE ie, string jsCommand)
var toCSharpProxy = ie.injectJavascriptFunctions();
if (toCSharpProxy.notNull())
var command = "window.external.setJsObject({0})".format(jsCommand);
return toCSharpProxy.getJsObject();
return null;
public static WatiN_IE remapInternalJsObject(this WatiN_IE ie)
//"setting JS _jsObject variable to getJsObject()".info();
ie.invokeEval("_jsObject = window.external.getJsObject()"); // creates JS variable to be used from JS
return ie;
public static WatiN_IE setJsObject(this WatiN_IE ie, object jsObject)
var toCSharpProxy = ie.injectJavascriptFunctions();
if (toCSharpProxy.notNull())
return ie;
public static object waitForJsObject(this WatiN_IE watinIe)
return watinIe.waitForJsObject(500, 20);
public static object waitForJsObject(this WatiN_IE watinIe, int sleepMiliseconds, int maxSleepTimes)
"[WatiN_IE][waitForJsObject] trying to find jsObject for {0} x {1} ms".info(maxSleepTimes, sleepMiliseconds);
for(var i = 0; i < maxSleepTimes ; i++)
var jsObject = watinIe.getJsObject();
"[watinIe][waitForJsObject] got value: {0} (n tries)".info(jsObject, i);
return jsObject;
watinIe.sleep(500, false);
"[WatiN_IE][waitForJsObject] didn't find jsObject after {0} sleeps of {1} ms".error(maxSleepTimes, sleepMiliseconds);
return null;
public static object waitForJsVariable(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string jsCommand)
return watinIe.waitForJsVariable(jsCommand, 500, WatiN_IE_ExtensionMethods.WAITFORJSVARIABLE_MAXSLEEPTIMES);
public static object waitForJsVariable(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string jsCommand, int sleepMiliseconds, int maxSleepTimes)
"[WatiN_IE][waitForJsVariable] trying to find jsObject called '{0}' for {1} x {2} ms".info(jsCommand, maxSleepTimes, sleepMiliseconds);
for(var i = 0; i < maxSleepTimes ; i++)
if (watinIe.doesJsObjectExists(jsCommand))
var jsObject = watinIe.getJsObject(jsCommand);
"[watinIe][waitForJsVariable] got value: {0} ({1} tries)".info(jsObject, i);
return jsObject;
watinIe.sleep(500, false);
"[WatiN_IE][waitForJsVariable] didn't find jsObject called '{0}' after {1} sleeps of {2} ms".error(jsCommand, maxSleepTimes, sleepMiliseconds);
return null;
public static WatiN_IE deleteJsVariable(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string jsVariable)
var evalString = "try { delete " + jsVariable + " } catch(exception) { }";
return watinIe;