上一篇文章: Rows and columns with multidimensional array java
问题: 在下面的代码中,我设置循环遍历变量x和y以在jPanel上创建行和列。每次循环时,它应随机地用“地形”之一标记“x,y”位置,以便以后可以用适当的彩色20x20方格“绘制”该位置。
代码运行很好,除了一件事,看起来它跳过了第一个“if语句”,标志着“terran [0]”是“floor”。当代码运行时,它“绘制”其他三个“地形”而不是一个“地板”“地形”。
Java if statement is skipped
If statement being skipped during execution
Java - for loops being skipped
Java if-statement being skipped
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class gamePanel extends JPanel
public gamePanel()
private Random generator = new Random();
int floor = 0; //initializes the variable floor to zero for later use
int dirt = 1;
int stone = 2;
int water = 3;
int width = 24;
int height = 24;
int x, y; // my x & y variables for coordinates
int[][] coords = new int[width][height]; //my array that I want to store the coordinates for later use in painting
int[] terrain = {floor, dirt, stone, water}; //my terrain that will determine the color of the paint
public void mapGen() //what should mark/generate the JPanel
for(x = 0; x < width; x++)
for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
int z = generator.nextInt(20);// part of the randomization
if(z <= 10)
coords[x][y] = terrain[0]; //should mark the coordinates as floor
if(z == 11)
coords[x][y] = terrain[3];//should mark the coordinates as water
if(z >= 12 && z <= 16)
coords[x][y] = terrain[2];//should mark the coordinates as stone
if(z >= 17 && z <= 19)
coords[x][y] = terrain[1];//should mark the coordinates as dirt
coords[0][0] = terrain[0]; // sets coordinate 0,0 to floor //need to have these always be floor
coords[23][23] = terrain[0]; // sets coordinate 24,24 to floor //^^^^^^^^^^
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)//what will paint each 20x20 square on the grid what it is assigned
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
if(coords[x][y] == terrain[floor])//should paint the floor color at marked coordinates
g.fillRect((x*20), (y*20), 20, 20);
if(coords[x][y] == terrain[dirt]);//should paint the dirt color at marked coordinates
g.setColor(new Color(135,102,31));
g.fillRect((x*20), (y*20), 20, 20);
if(coords[x][y] == terrain[stone])//should paint the stone color at marked coordinates
g.setColor(new Color(196,196,196));
if(coords[x][y] == terrain[water])//should paint the water color at marked coordinates
g.setColor(new Color(85,199,237));
}//end paintComponent
public static void main(String[] args)
gamePanel panel = new gamePanel();
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
}//end main
}// end gamePanel