在创建我的应用时,我将Model layer
和Repository layer
投放到单独的项目中。我的应用中的每个表单都由自己的ViewModel class
表示。所有ViewModel classes
中。在GET request
MyDrafts form
public ActionResult MyDrafts()
MyDraftsVM dataVM = GetDataMyDrafts();
return View(dataVM);
private MyDraftsVM GetDataMyDrafts()
MyDraftsVM dataVM = new MyDraftsVM();
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
List<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM> userInvoices = new List<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM>();
userInvoices = _repoExhibitor.Context.Exhibitors
.Join(_repoExhibitor.Context.Invoices.Where(x => x.CreatedBy == User.Identity.Name && x.Status == (int)(ModelEnums.Invoice.Status.Przygotowanie)),
e => e.Id,
i => i.Id,
(e, i) => new { e, i })
.Select(s => new MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM(s.e, s.i, UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, s.i.CreatedBy).DisplayName))
List<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM> userCorrespondence = new List<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM>();
userCorrespondence = _repoExhibitor.Context.CorrespondenceSenders
.Join(_repoExhibitor.Context.Correspondences.Where(x => x.CreatedBy == User.Identity.Name && x.Status == (int)(ModelEnums.Invoice.Status.Przygotowanie)),
sen => sen.Id,
c => c.Id,
(sen, c) => new { sen, c })
.Select(s => new MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM(s.c, UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, s.c.CreatedBy).DisplayName))
return dataVM;
public class MyDraftsVM
public MyDraftsVM()
this.Documents = new List<MyDraftVM>();
this.Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_LayoutBox.cshtml";
public List<MyDraftVM> Documents { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// layout path
/// </summary>
public string Layout { get; set; }
public class MyDraftVM
public MyDraftVM()
this.DocumentPartial = new DocumentMemebership();
this.InvoicePartial = new InvoiceMembership();
this.ExhibitorPartial = new ExhibitorMembership();
this.CorrespondencePartial = new CorrespondenceMembership();
public MyDraftVM(Exhibitor e, Invoice i, string createdBy)
InvoicePartial = Mapper.Map<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM.InvoiceMembership>(i);
ExhibitorPartial = Mapper.Map<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM.ExhibitorMembership>(e);
DocumentPartial = new MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM.DocumentMemebership()
DocumentType = "Invoice",
Number = i.InvoiceNumber,
IssuingDate = i.IssuingDate,
CreatedBy = createdBy
public MyDraftVM(Correspondence c, string createdBy)
CorrespondencePartial = Mapper.Map<MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM.CorrespondenceMembership>(c);
DocumentPartial = new MyDraftsVM.MyDraftVM.DocumentMemebership()
DocumentType = "Correspondence",
Number = c.Signature,
IssuingDate = c.IssuingDate,
CreatedBy = createdBy,
public DocumentMemebership DocumentPartial { get; set; }
public InvoiceMembership InvoicePartial { get; set; }
public CorrespondenceMembership CorrespondencePartial { get; set; }
public ExhibitorMembership ExhibitorPartial { get; set; }
public class InvoiceMembership : InvoiceVM
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public class CorrespondenceMembership : CorrespondenceVM
public class ExhibitorMembership : ExhibitorVM
public class DocumentMemebership : DocumentVM
,我还必须移至MyDraftsVM object
答案 0 :(得分:0)
你是在正确的方式,在单独的repo项目中移动查询。但var gErrorMsg = "";
function validateForm() {
"use strict";
var isAllOK = false;
gErrorMsg = "";
var dobOK = isDOBOK();
if (dobOK) {
isAllOK = true;
else {
gErrorMsg = "";
isAllOK = false;
return isAllOK;
function isDOBOK(){
var validDOB = true;
var now = new dob();
var dob = document.getElementById("dob").value;
var dateMsg = "";
var dmy = dob.split("/");
var allNumbers = true;
for (var i = 0; i < dmy.length; i++){
dateMsg = dateMsg + "You must enter only numbers into the date" + "\n";
validDOB = false;
if ((dmy[0] <1) || (dmy[0] > 31) {
dateMsg = dateMsg + "Day must be between 1 and 31" + "\n";
validDOB = false;
if ((dmy[1] <1) || (dmy[0] > 12) {
dateMsg = dateMsg + "Month must be between 1 and 12" + "\n";
validDOB = false;
if ((dmy[2] < now.getFullYear() - 80)) {
dateMsg = dateMsg + "You must be younger than 80" + "\n";
validDOB = false;
if (!validDOB){
gErrorMsg = gErrorMsg + dateMsg;
return validDOB;
function init() {
var regForm = document.getElementById("regForm");
regForm.onsumbit = validateForm;
window.onload = init;