尝试取消PayTM SDK中的交易时应用崩溃

时间:2016-04-25 13:05:17

标签: ios swift crash paytm



断言失败 - [PGTransactionViewController   cancelCallback:响应:],/用户/与Pradeep / _Projects / Paytm / pgsdk / PaymentsSDK / PaymentsSDK / PGTransactionViewController.m:217   2016-04-25 16:31:25.228 MyDemo [4669:92001] ***由于终止应用程序   未被捕获的异常' NSInternalInconsistencyException',原因:'没有   代表集?...你打算怎么回电?'


 ///PaymentGateway With OrderID
  func initiatePaymentGatewayWithOrderID() {

      //Step 1: Create a default merchant config object
      let pgMerchantConfiguration = PGMerchantConfiguration.defaultConfiguration()
      //Step 2: If you have your own checksum generation and validation url set this here. Otherwise use the default Paytm urls

      //prod/staging urls are decided based on the build configuration, go to Url.swift and check the host url configuration
      pgMerchantConfiguration.checksumGenerationURL = Url.paytmChecksumGenerationURL
      pgMerchantConfiguration.checksumValidationURL = Url.paytmChecksumValidationURL

      //Step 3: Create the order with whatever params you want to add. But make sure that you include the merchant mandatory params
      var orderDict = [String : AnyObject]()
      orderDict["MID"] = self.slotTestCenter?.mID
      orderDict["CHANNEL_ID"] = self.slotTestCenter?.channelID
      orderDict["INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID"] = self.slotTestCenter?.industryTypeID
      orderDict["WEBSITE"] = self.slotTestCenter?.website
      //Order configuration in the order object
      orderDict["TXN_AMOUNT"] = self.slotTestCenter?.txnAmount
      orderDict["ORDER_ID"] = self.slotTestCenter?.orderId
      orderDict["REQUEST_TYPE"] = "DEFAULT";
      orderDict["CUST_ID"] = self.slotTestCenter?.custID
      orderDict["EMAIL"] = self.slotTestCenter?.email
      orderDict["MOBILE_NO"] = self.slotTestCenter?.mobileNo
      let order = PGOrder(params: orderDict)
      self.txnController = PGTransactionViewController(transactionForOrder: order)
      //A staging server is a mix between production and development; you get to test your app as if it were in production

        self.txnController!.serverType = eServerTypeStaging

      // Set the merchant configuration for the transaction.
      self.txnController!.merchant = pgMerchantConfiguration
      // A delegate object should be set to handle the responses coming during the transaction
      self.txnController!.delegate = self
      self.navigationController?.pushViewController(self.txnController!, animated: true)


  //Called when a transaction is Canceled by User. response dictionary will be having details about Canceled Transaction.
  func didCancelTransaction(controller: PGTransactionViewController!, error: NSError!, response: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) {
    if self.txnController != nil {
      //Access AbcViewController in navigation stack and pop
      for viewController in self.navigationController!.viewControllers as [UIViewController] {
        if viewController.isKindOfClass(AbcViewController) {
          self.navigationController?.popToViewController(viewController, animated: false)



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