使用带有XCHAT IRC脚本的Python随机模块

时间:2010-09-10 08:44:45

标签: python random irc


示例用法是:“/ ran blahblahblah”以产生所需的频道消息效果,例如“blahblahblah [random item]”

__module_name__ = "ran.py"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "script to add random text to channel messages"

import xchat
import random

def ran(message):
    message = random.choice(['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5'])

def ran_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    message = ''
    message = ran(message)
    xchat.command("msg %s %s"%(xchat.get_info('channel'), message))
    return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command("ran", ran_cb, help="/ran to use")

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

  1. 您不允许调用者指定要选择的参数。

    def ran(choices=None):
        if not choices:
            choices = ('test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5')
        return random.choice(choices)
  2. 您需要从命令中获取选择。

    def ran_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
        message = ran(word[1:])
        xchat.command("msg %s %s"%(xchat.get_info('channel'), message))
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
