
时间:2016-04-25 00:30:46

标签: parallel-processing opencl

我是OpenCL的新手,我试图并行边缘检测程序。我试图从边缘检测功能编写内核。 原来的功能:

void edgeDetection(float *out, float *in, int w, int h) {
    int r,c;
    for (r = 0; r < h-2; r++) {
        for (c = 0; c < w-2; c++) {
            float G;
            float* pOut = &out[r*w + c];
            float Gx = 0.0;
            float Gy = 0.0;

            int fr,fc;
            /* run the 2d-convolution filter */
            for (fr = 0; fr < 3; fr++) {
                for (fc = 0; fc < 3; fc++) {
                    float p = in[(r+fr)*w + (c+fc)];
                    /* X-directional edges */
                    Gx += p * F[fr*3 + fc];
                    /* Y-directional edges */
                    Gy += p * F[fc*3 + fr];
            /* all edges, pythagoral sum */
            G = sqrtf(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy);
            *pOut = G;


 void edgeDetection(__global float *out,
 __global float *in, int w, int h)

   // Get the work-item’s unique ID
   const int r = get_global_id(0);
   const int c = get_global_id(1);
   if(r>=0 && c>=0 && r<h-2 && c<w-2){
            float G;
            float* pOut = &out[r*w + c];
            float Gx = 0.0;
            float Gy = 0.0;

            int fr,fc;

            for (fr = 0; fr < 3; fr++) {
                for (fc = 0; fc < 3; fc++) {

                    float p = in[(r+fr)*w + (c+fc)];

                    Gx += p * F[fr*3 + fc];

                    Gy += p * F[fc*3 + fr];
            G = sqrtf(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy);
            *pOut = G;


status = clBuildProgram(program, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, NULL);
chk(status, "clBuildProgram");

我收到错误消息,&#34; clBuildProgram失败(-11)&#34;。从我的研究中,我发现通常认为这个错误是由语法错误引起的。但是,经过多次检查后,我看不出内核有什么特别的错误。有人可以帮我弄清楚它有什么问题吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



float* pOut = &out[r*w + c];


__global float* pOut = &out[r*w + c];

