1>DataStructuresLab21V2.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall table<char>::table<char>(void)" (??0?$table@D@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function _wmain
并在我的table1.template文件中实现,标题和模板文件之间的大小写正确。我不知道这个错误在我的代码中的位置,并且任何有助于识别出现错误的地方都会受到赞赏。编程语言是c ++,在Visual Studio 2013中完成。标题和模板文件由我的教授提供,用于修改文件以实现双重哈希。提前致谢
// FILE: table1.h (part of the namespace main_savitch_12A)
// TEMPLATE CLASS PROVIDED: table<RecordType> (a table of records with keys).
// This class is a container template class for a table of records.
// The template parameter, RecordType, is the data type of the records in the
// table. It may be any of the bulit-in C++ types (int, char, etc.), or a
// class with a default constructor, an assignment operator, and an integer
// member variable called key.
// MEMBER CONSTANT for the table<RecordType> class:
// static const size_type CAPACITY = ________
// table<RecordType>::CAPACITY is the maximum number of records held by a table.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the table<RecordType> template class:
// table( )
// Postcondition: The table has been initialized as an empty table.
// MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the table<RecordType> class:
// void insert(const RecordType& entry)
// Precondition: entry.key >= 0. Also if entry.key is not already a key in
// the table, then the table has space for another record
// (i.e., size( ) < CAPACITY).
// Postcondition: If the table already had a record with a key equal to
// entry.key, then that record is replaced by entry. Otherwise, entry has
// been added as a new record of the table.
// void remove(int key)
// Postcondition: If a record was in the table with the specified key, then
// that record has been removed; otherwise the table is unchanged.
// CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the table<RecordType> class:
// bool is_present(const Item& target) const
// Postcondition: The return value is true if there is a record in the
// table with the specified key. Otherwise, the return value is false.
// void find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const
// Postcondition: If a record is in the table with the specified key, then
// found is true and result is set to a copy of the record with that key.
// Otherwise found is false and the result contains garbage.
// size_type size( ) const
// Postcondition: Return value is the total number of records in the
// table.
// VALUE SEMANTICS for the table<RecordType> template class:
// Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with table objects.
#ifndef TABLE1_H
#define TABLE1_H
#include <cstdlib> // Provides size_t
using namespace std;
template <class RecordType>
class table
// MEMBER CONSTANT -- See Appendix E if this fails to compile.
static const size_t CAPACITY = 811;
void insert(const RecordType& entry);
void remove(int key);
bool is_present(int key) const;
void find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const;
size_t size() const { return used; }
// MEMBER CONSTANTS -- These are used in the key field of special records.
static const int NEVER_USED = -1;
static const int PREVIOUSLY_USED = -2;
RecordType data[CAPACITY];
size_t used;
size_t hash(int key) const;
size_t hash2(int key) const;
size_t next_index(size_t index) const;
void find_index(int key, bool& found, size_t& index) const;
bool never_used(size_t index) const;
bool is_vacant(size_t index) const;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "table1.h"
using namespace std;
template<class RecordType>
size_t table<RecordType>::CAPACITY;
template <class RecordType>
const int table<RecordType>::NEVER_USED;
template <class RecordType>
const int table<RecordType>::PREVIOUSLY_USED;
template<class RecordType>
size_t i;
used = 0;
for (i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++)
data[i].key = NEVER_USED;
template<class RecordType>
void table<RecordType>::insert(const RecordType& entry)
bool already_present;
size_t index;
assert(entry.key >= 0)
find_index(entry.key, already_present, index);
if (!already_present)
assert(size() < CAPACITY)
index = hash(entry.key);
while (!is_vacant(index))
index = next_index(index);
data[index] = entry;
else if (already_present)
assert(size() < CAPACITY)
index = hash(entry.key) - hash2(entry.key);
while (!is_vacant(index))
index = next_index(index);
data[index] = entry;
template <class RecordType>
void table<RecordType>::remove(int key)
// Library facilities used: cassert
bool found; // True if key occurs somewhere in the table
std::size_t index; // Spot where data[index].key == key
assert(key >= 0);
find_index(key, found, index);
if (found)
{ // The key was found, so remove this record and reduce used by 1.
data[index].key = PREVIOUSLY_USED; // Indicates a spot that's no longer in use.
template <class RecordType>
bool table<RecordType>::is_present(int key) const
// Library facilities used: assert.h
bool found;
std::size_t index;
assert(key >= 0);
find_index(key, found, index);
return found;
template <class RecordType>
void table<RecordType>::find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const
// Library facilities used: cassert.h
size_t index;
assert(key >= 0);
find_index(key, found, index);
if (found)
result = data[index];
template <class RecordType>
inline size_t table<RecordType>::hash(int key) const
return (key % CAPACITY);
template<class RecordType>
inline size_t table<RecordType>::hash2(int key) const
return(key % hash(key));
template <class RecordType>
inline size_t table<RecordType>::next_index(size_t index) const
// Library facilities used: cstdlib
return ((index + 1) % CAPACITY);
template <class RecordType>
void table<RecordType>::find_index(int key, bool& found, size_t& i) const
// Library facilities used: cstdlib
size_t count; // Number of entries that have been examined
count = 0;
i = hash(key);
while ((count < CAPACITY) && (data[i].key != NEVER_USED) && (data[i].key != key))
i = next_index(i);
found = (data[i].key == key);
template <class RecordType>
inline bool table<RecordType>::never_used(size_t index) const
return (data[index].key == NEVER_USED);
template <class RecordType>
inline bool table<RecordType>::is_vacant(size_t index) const
return (data[index].key == NEVER_USED) || (data[index].key == PREVIOUSLY_USED);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
之前的最后一行必须为#include "table1.template"
bool is_vacant(size_t index) const;
#include "table1.template"
此外,您必须从模板文件中删除#include "table1.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "table1.h" //<-- Remove this line.
使用它们的#include "table1.h"
#include "table1.template"
#include "SomeType.h"
// Other #include statements here.
int main()
table<SomeType> myTable;
// ...stuff...
return 0
模板类必须在使用模板时提供所有定义,因为<class RecordType>
文件的内容不是以标准的.h / .cpp方式编译的。这是因为为您使用的每个不同#included
之前编译器需要.h文件和.template文件为var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 5000);
myDataGridPaginator = PF('myDatagridWidgetVar').getPaginator();
function myTimer() {
myDataGridPaginator().setPage(myDataGridPaginator.cfg.page + 1);