import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class AppletAssignemntIsFucked extends Applet
implements ActionListener
int colourChoice;
int shapeChoice;
int location;
int x, y;
TextField height = new TextField ("00");
TextField width = new TextField ("00");
boolean animating = false;
//declare the two types of checkboxes
CheckboxGroup shape, colour;
//declare all the shape checkboxes
Checkbox buttonSquare, buttonCircle, buttonRectangle, buttonOval;
//declare all the colour checkboxes
Checkbox buttonRed, buttonBlue, buttonGreen, buttonYellow;
Button buttonDraw, buttonAnimate, buttonReset;
public void init ()
setBackground (Color.lightGray);
shape = new CheckboxGroup ();
colour = new CheckboxGroup ();
buttonCircle = new Checkbox ("Circle", shape, true);
add (buttonCircle);
buttonSquare = new Checkbox ("Square", shape, false);
add (buttonSquare);
buttonRectangle = new Checkbox ("Rectangle", shape, false);
add (buttonRectangle);
buttonOval = new Checkbox ("Oval", shape, false);
add (buttonOval);
buttonRed = new Checkbox ("Red", colour, true);
add (buttonRed);
buttonBlue = new Checkbox ("Blue", colour, false);
add (buttonBlue);
buttonGreen = new Checkbox ("Green", colour, false);
add (buttonGreen);
buttonYellow = new Checkbox ("Yellow", colour, false);
add (buttonYellow);
buttonDraw = new Button ("draw");
buttonDraw.addActionListener (this);
add (buttonDraw);
buttonAnimate = new Button ("animate");
buttonAnimate.addActionListener (this);
add (buttonAnimate);
buttonReset = new Button ("reset");
buttonReset.addActionListener (this);
add (buttonReset);
add (height);
add (width);
public void paint (Graphics g)
switch (colourChoice)
case 1:
g.setColor (Color.red);
case 2:
g.setColor (Color.green);
case 3:
g.setColor (Color.yellow);
case 4:
g.setColor (Color.blue);
switch (shapeChoice)
case 1:
g.fillOval (location, 80, x, x);
case 2:
g.fillRect (location, 80, x, x);
case 3:
g.fillRect (location, 80, x, y);
case 4:
g.fillOval (location, 80, x, y);
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
y = Integer.parseInt (height.getText ());
x = Integer.parseInt (width.getText ());
//set the colour
if (evt.getSource () == buttonAnimate)
for (int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++)
Thread.sleep (10);
catch (InterruptedException ex)
Thread.currentThread ().interrupt ();
location += 1;
repaint ();
if (evt.getSource () == buttonReset)
location = 10;
repaint ();
if (evt.getSource () == buttonDraw)
if (buttonRed.getState () == true)
colourChoice = 1;
else if (buttonGreen.getState () == true)
colourChoice = 2;
else if (buttonYellow.getState () == true)
colourChoice = 3;
else if (buttonBlue.getState () == true)
colourChoice = 4;
//set the shape
if (buttonCircle.getState () == true)
shapeChoice = 1;
else if (buttonSquare.getState () == true)
shapeChoice = 2;
else if (buttonRectangle.getState () == true)
shapeChoice = 3;
else if (buttonOval.getState () == true)
shapeChoice = 4;
repaint ();
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您屏蔽Event Dispatch Thread,因此无法更新用户界面 例如。见Thread Sleeping Before GUI Updating。
改为使用Swing Timer。