我试图从用户输入负数并将它们存储在寄存器中。这是我的代码 -
%include 'functions.asm'
b2: RESB 4
global _start
mov edx,4
mov ecx,b2
mov ebx,0
mov eax,3
int 80h
mov eax,b2
call atoi
mov [b2],eax
这是我的atoi功能 -
; int atoi(Integer number)
; Ascii to integer function (atoi)
push ebx ; preserve ebx on the stack to be restored after function runs
push ecx ; preserve ecx on the stack to be restored after function runs
push edx ; preserve edx on the stack to be restored after function runs
push esi ; preserve esi on the stack to be restored after function runs
mov esi, eax ; move pointer in eax into esi (our number to convert)
mov eax, 0 ; initialise eax with decimal value 0
mov ecx, 0 ; initialise ecx with decimal value 0
xor ebx, ebx ; resets both lower and uppper bytes of ebx to be 0
mov bl, [esi+ecx] ; move a single byte into ebx register's lower half
cmp bl, 48 ; compare ebx register's lower half value against ascii value 48 (char value 0)
jl .finished ; jump if less than to label finished
cmp bl, 57 ; compare ebx register's lower half value against ascii value 57 (char value 9)
jg .finished ; jump if greater than to label finished
cmp bl, 10 ; compare ebx register's lower half value against ascii value 10 (linefeed character)
je .finished ; jump if equal to label finished
cmp bl, 0 ; compare ebx register's lower half value against decimal value 0 (end of string)
jz .finished ; jump if zero to label finished
sub bl, 48 ; convert ebx register's lower half to decimal representation of ascii value
add eax, ebx ; add ebx to our interger value in eax
mov ebx, 10 ; move decimal value 10 into ebx
mul ebx ; multiply eax by ebx to get place value
inc ecx ; increment ecx (our counter register)
jmp .multiplyLoop ; continue multiply loop
mov ebx, 10 ; move decimal value 10 into ebx
div ebx ; divide eax by value in ebx (in this case 10)
pop esi ; restore esi from the value we pushed onto the stack at the start
pop edx ; restore edx from the value we pushed onto the stack at the start
pop ecx ; restore ecx from the value we pushed onto the stack at the start
pop ebx ; restore ebx from the value we pushed onto the stack at the start
中存储的值时,我得到以下值 - 1717986918